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Framatome is a french company operating in the nuclear energy market. Franco-Américaine de Constructions Atomiques (Framatome) was founded in 1958 by Schneider, Merlin Gerin, and Westinghouse Electric to exploit Westinghouse licensed technology in the field of pressurized water reactors. The company became part of the French multinational group Areva in 2001, being renamed Areva NP in 2006. A majority share of the company was sold to EDF in July 2015, renaming as Framatome in 2018. The Framatome shareholders are EDF Group (75.5%), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI – 19.5%), and Assystem (5%).
Headquartered in La Défense a business district of Paris, the company has 14,000 employees worldwide with major international operations based in Germany, USA, Canada, Spain, China, and Slovakia.
Framatome's operations include designing, building, maintaining, and advancing the global nuclear fleet as well as the design, manufacture, and installation of components and fuel for nuclear power plants as well as offering a full range of reactor services.