GSMA has created a set of security guidelines for the benefit of service providers who are looking to develop new IoT products and services.
GSMA is a global organization working to unify the mobile ecosystem and offer foundational business environments and societal change. This includes working with member organizations to standardize and develop technologies to connect people, industries, and societies. The organization works across three broad pillars: industry services and solutions, connectivity for good, and outreach.
GSMA defines industry services and solutions as the technology and interoperability that help make mobile technologies works. This includes projects, working groups, and promotional activities to help the industry's focus on areas such as 5G, mobile IoT, fraud, and security. This includes technical services such as tools, data, and resources to help organization members develop better mobile experiences.
Outreach includes GSMA's activities at events such as Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and the M360 series, through Mobile World Live, and GSMA Analysis to bring organization members together and provide a place to break news, insights, and expert analysis, as well as convene and inform the mobile ecosystem.
And connectivity for good, as it sounds, works to bring together organization members, governments, and civil society to advance positive policy and spectrum outcomes in mobile technologies, as well as finding ways to develop those technologies to reduce inequalities in the world, tackle related societal challenges, and work to mitigate climate change while encouraging sustainability.
Members of the GSMA include different businesses and organizations in various categories, including: