Welcome to THE GALACTIC ARENA. This is the battlefield that everyone has been waiting for!
Welcome to THE GALACTIC ARENA. This is the battlefield that everyone has been waiting for! It doesn't matter where your NFTNFT comes from, In this NFTverse, you can bring your favorite heroes along with you!
Take part in THE CARNIVAL, then make wagers on PvP battles in REAL TIME! Prizes include BNBBNB, BUSDBUSD, GAN! Get on top of the Leaderboard and earn extra rewards!
Non-Fungible TokensNon-Fungible Tokens take many different shapes and forms in todays dynamic blockchainblockchain industry. The most interesting NFT's on the market today are gaming NFTs, or the characters in a game. Users can purchase these directly in the game, or trade these NFTs on their native game's marketplace.
The play-to-earnplay-to-earn space has seen immense growth during recent years, and these gaming NFTs can generate substantial revenue for their owners. But one thing remains constant with every one of them: they are restricted to their native gaming platforms.
$GAN is a BEP-20 token currently running on the Binance Smart ChainBinance Smart Chain. $GAN token is the native currency to the Galactic Arena ecosystem. Total supply is 1,000,000,000 GAN tokens.
Design dAppdApp
Audit Smart ContractSmart Contract
Approve NFTsNFTs for StakingStaking