Galicia is a juice company founded in 2011.
The history of the Galicia trade mark has started from the Independence Day which is a very symbolic date for all Ukrainians. It was on August 24, 2011 when the first Galicia directly expressed juices were born in a small town of Gorodok located 25 kilometers from Lviv.
Such name was chosen not by chance, because long ago, in 1772, the Central European area which now is divided between Poland and Ukraine was called Galicia. Galicia is rich in fertile lands and the absence of large industrial enterprises in the region makes apples and berries ripen particularly well; besides fruit here are remarkable for their pleasant medium-sweet flavor and juiciness.
The natural high-quality Galicia juices are produced under the special technology of direct extraction , without adding water, sugar, preservatives, colorants and flavorings. This means that fruit and berries undergo minimal processing: juice is squeezed from fruit and then it passes through instant thermal conditioning and is poured into bottles or packages. All this natural magic happens at the facilities of the T.B. Fruit Company which is a Ukrainian leader in processing fruit and berries.
We preserve all the most valuable things from nature to provide our customers with natural and high-quality products. Creating our juices we follow the main principle: compliance with quality standards at all stages. In particular, we thoroughly select only the best apples and berries grown in ecologically clean Ukrainian regions of Halychyna and Transcarpathia. Afterwards, using the direct extraction method we manufacture juices, in which the most useful for our body properties are carefully preserved.
“Nothing unnecessary, only natural ingredients”: these words most excellently characterize the first Ukrainian directly expressed juices by the Galicia trade mark.