SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In July 2018, Mark Forbes, 309 MMXG/MXDE, compiled and presented a statement of needs for the benefit of the 309 Missile Maintenance Group. The overall goal of the required effort is the on-site refurbishment of Minuteman missile silos. The requirement is to remove paint, primers, corrosion products, and rubberized coatings from silo doors, parapet walls, depot trailers, and electrical enclosures. This Phase I proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of using hand held laser coatings removal equipment to meet the need. General Lasertronics Corp. (GLC) is an experienced SBIR participant with several projects that have led to successful industrial and military applications. For this Phase I project, GLC will survey the Minuteman silo coating removal requirements, conduct subscale testing using a GLC laboratory laser system, and prepare Phase II plans for the design, development and demonstration of a higher power laser system for subsequent implementation for Minuteman silo refurbishment. The Phase I effort will be complete within 3 months.