GEOST is a designer and integrator of small- to medium-sized electro-optical/infrared sensors (EO/IR) for high-value, U.S. national security space missions.
GEOST is a designer and integrator of small-to-medium-sizedsmall- to medium-sized electro-optical/infrared sensors (EO/IR) for high-value, U.S. national security space missions.
GEOST is a designer and integrator of small-to-medium-sizedsmall- to medium-sized electro-optical/infrared sensors (EO/IR) for high-value, U.S. national security space missions. The company provides affordable solutions for space protection, space domain awareness (SDA), missile warning, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) that require small to medium payloads and ground mission processing, and develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space.
GEOST specializes in small cameras and other types of sensors that can detect approaching satellites, space debris, and other objects, allowing users of the technology to take defensive measures, such as repositioning the satellite. The company offers sensors for large satellites that are about one foot by one foot and smaller sensors for lower-flying satellites. Approximately 50fifty GEOST sensors could protect a 150-satellite constellation.
GEOST offers a variety of services, including:
GEOST was founded in 2004 by Anthony Glecker in Tuscan, Arizona. Glecker holds a Ph.D. in optics and optical sciences .
In August 2021, the company was acquired by private equity firm ATL Partners. Later that year, the company announced it had been awarded a $32 million contract modification by the U.S. Space Force for prototype space domain awareness (SDA) payloads that would be hosted on satellites. The previous contract had been approximately $7 million, and the modification was awarded after GEOST completed a critical design review of its payload.
December 23, 2021
Geost specializes in active and passive optical remote sensing and provide expertise in all phases of project development.
GEOST is a designer and integrator of small-to-medium-sized electro-optical/infrared sensors (EO/IR) for high-value, U.S. national security space missions.
GEOST is a designer and integrator of small-to-medium-sized electro-optical/infrared sensors (EO/IR) for high-value, U.S. national security space missions. The company provides affordable solutions for space protection, space domain awareness (SDA), missile warning, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) that require small to medium payloads and ground mission processing., and The company develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space. GEOST provides products to the Pentagon and intelligence community and partners with larger defense companies, including Northrop Grumman and L3Harris Technologies.
GEOST was founded by Anthony Gleckler in 2004, and Josh Hartman is the president. GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, Arizona that was acquired by private equity firm ATL Partners in 2021.
GEOST provides products to the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence community and partners with larger defense companies, including Northrop Grumman and L3Harris Technologies. The company was founded by Anthony Gleckler in 2004, and Josh Hartman became president in 2022. GEOST was acquired by private equity firm ATL Partners in 2021. The company has approximately 115 employees between its Tucson, Arizona headquarters and its additional facilities in Virginia.
In 2022, the company appointed former Pentagon acquisition chief Ellen LordEllen Lord to the board and promoted Josh Hartman to president. Hartman had been serving as Vicevice Presidentpresident, having joined GEOST in that capacity in 2019. Gleckler became an independent consultant when Hartman took over company management.
GEOST was founded in 2004 by Anthony Glecker in Tuscan, Arizona. Glecker holds a Ph.D. in optics and optical sciences
In August 2021, the company was acquired by private equity firm ATL Partners. Later that year, the company announced it had been awarded a $32 million contract modification by the U.S. Space Force for prototype space domain awareness (SDA) payloads that would be hosted on satellites. The previous contract had been approximately $7 million and the modification was awarded after GEOST completed a critical design review of its payload.
In 2022, the company appointed former Pentagon acquisition chief Ellen Lord to the board and promoted Josh Hartman to president. Hartman had been serving as Vice President, having joined GEOST in that capacity in 2019. Gleckler became an independent consultant when Hartman took over company management.
June 2022
June 2022
GEOST provides affordable solutions for space protection, space domain awarenessspace domain awareness (SDA), missile warning, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISRISR) requiringthat require small to medium payloads and ground mission processing. The company develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space. GEOST provides products to the PentagonPentagon and intelligence community and partners with larger defense primescompanies, including Northrop Grumman and L3Harris Technologies.
GEOST was founded by Anthony GlecklerAnthony Gleckler in 2004, and Josh Hartman is the president. GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, ArizonaTucson, Arizona, that was acquired by ALTprivate equity partnersfirm ATL Partners in 2021.
GEOST specializes in small camerascameras and other types of sensorssensors that can detect approaching satellitessatellites, space debrisspace debris, and other objects, allowing users of the technologytechnology to take defensive measures, such as repositioning the satellite. The company offers sensors for large satellites that are about one foot by one foot and smaller sensors for lower-flying satellites. Approximately 50 GEOST sensors could protect a 150-satellite constellationsatellite constellation.
August 18, 2021
GEOST was founded by Anthony Gleckler in 2004, and Josh Hartman is the president. GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, Arizona, andthat was foundedacquired by ALT partners in 20042021.
GEOST providesspecializes in small cameras and other types of sensors that can detect approaching satellites, space debris, and other objects, allowing users of the technology to take defensive measures, such as repositioning the satellite. The company offers sensors for large satellites that are about one foot by one foot and smaller sensors for lower-flying satellites. Approximately 50 GEOST sensors could protect a 150-satellite constellation.
November 23, 2022
June 2022
January 12, 2022
December 23, 2021
August 18, 2021
GEOST provides affordable solutions for space protection, space domain awareness, missile warning, and ISR requiring small to medium payloads and ground mission processing. The company develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space. JoshGEOST Hartmanprovides isproducts to the president.Pentagon GEOSTand isintelligence acommunity smalland businesspartners locatedwith inlarger defense Tucsonprimes, Arizona,including andNorthrop wasGrumman foundedand inL3Harris 2004Technologies.
Josh Hartman is the president. GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, Arizona, and was founded in 2004.
GEOST provides affordable solutions for space protection, space domain awareness, missile warning, and ISR requiring small to medium payloads and ground mission processing. The company develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space. Josh TheHartman is the president. companyGEOST focusesis ona small and medium payloadbusiness forlocated spacein protectionTucson, missing warningArizona, and spacewas domainfounded awarenessin solutions2004.
GEOST provides small cameras and other types of sensors that can detect approaching satellites, space debris, and other objects, allowing users of the technology to take defensive measures, such as repositioning the satellite. The company offers sensors for large satellites that are about one foot by one foot and smaller sensors for lower-flying satellites. Approximately 50 GEOST sensors could protect a 150-satellite constellation.
GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, Arizona, and was founded in 2004.
GEOST develops and builds optical collection systems that provide decision dominance using data in and from space. The company focuses on small and medium payload for space protection, missing warning, and space domain awareness solutions.
GEOST is a small business located in Tucson, Arizona, and was founded in 2004.
GEOST offers a variety of services, including: