Yuri Nikolaevich Gushchin (born August 1, 1944) is a Russian entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Guta group of companies , president of the Health for All charity foundation.
Yuri Nikolaevich Gushchin (born August 1, 1944) is a Russian entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Guta group of companies , president of the Health for All charity foundation.
In 1961 he graduated from secondary school No. 22. He graduated from the Moscow External Humanitarian University with a degree in Banking Economics.
In the Soviet years he was a guild worker , in particular, he was engaged in the production of kozinaki [1] . With the beginning of the cooperative movement legalized business. In 1989, he founded the Guta group, in 1991 - Guta-Bank, one of whose first clients was MGTS . Gushchin owes much of his success in business to his friendship with Yuri Petrov , the first head of the State Investment Corporation. In 1996, Guta-Bank was bought for public funds and merged into Gosinkor-Holding. In the same year, Gushchin became chairman of the board of directors of the Guta group of companies .
Since 1997, he has been the president of the Health for All charity foundation; in 1998, the foundation established the Guta Clinic medical center . Since 2003, he has been the largest shareholder of the United Confectioners holding . He is a member of the board of directors of the commercial bank " Guta-bank ", previously was a member of the board of directors of the company " Guta-Insurance " until its closure in 2014 due to the unprofitability of the business. In 2008, Gushchin bought the formerly British Airways -owned Coral Strand hotel in the Seychelles . He also built a five-star hotel Savoy Resort & SPA.
Married. Daughter Elena Gushchina works as a health assistant to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov
Yuri Nikolaevich Gushchin (born August 1, 1944) is a Russian entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Guta group of companies , president of the Health for All charity foundation.