HUYA Bioscience International is a San Diego-based company founded by Mireille Gillings.
HUYA Bioscience raised $48 million in debt financing in April 2015. Investors were not announceannounced. The total amount raised was offered in convertible promissory notes.
A company identifying and globalizing China's innovations in the pharmaceuticals field
HUYA Bioscience International is a San Diego-based company founded by Mireille Gillings.
Founded in 2004, HUYA Bioscience International is a bio-science and biopharmaceutical company which works to identify and license pre-clinical and clinical-stage compounds coming out of ChinaChina to leverage and extend research efforts and provide a bridge into international development. Through their model, HUYA tries to accelerate development while lowering business risk in introducing new compounds.
HBI-8000 is an orally taken, epigenetic drug, and a member of the benzamide class of histone deacetylase inhibitors which works to control how tightly DNADNA is wound around a histone protein. HBI-8000 looks to have immunomodulatory effects regulating antitumor activity and repression of genes associated with drug resistance. The product is currently undergoing a Phase II trial in the US to investigate efficacy and safety.
A company dentifyingidentifying and globalizing China's inovationsinnovations in the pharmaceuticals field
Founded in 2004, HUYA Bioscience International is a bio-science and biopharmaceutical company which works to identify and license pre-clinical and clinical-stage compounds coming out of China to leverage and extend research efforts and provide a bridge into international development. Through their model, HUYA tries to accelerate development while lowering business risk in introducing new compounds.
HBI-8000 is an orally taken, epigenetic drug, and a member of the benzamide class of histone deacetylase inhibitors which works to control how tightly DNA is wound around a histone protein. HBI-8000 looks to have immunomodulatory effects regulating antitumor activity and repression of genes associated with drug resistance. The product is currently undergoing a Phase II trial in the US to investigate efficacy and safety.
HBI-3000 is an intravenous infusion administered multi-ion channel blocker treating atrial fibrillation. The compound is currently in Phase 1 testing.
HBI-3802 is a small molecule with regenerative properties in cardiac muscle cells and possibly used after myocardial infarction, heart attacks, to strengthen and build the cardiac muscle. The compound stimulates cell differentiation into functional cardiomyocytes, replacing and remodeling dead myocardium with new functional tissue.
HUYA Bioscience raised $5 million in April 2009. None of the investors were announced.
In March of 2012, HUYA Bioscience raised $7.6 million in equity and debt financing. Investors were not announced. $3 million of the financing was through convertible promissory notes.
HUYA Bioscience raised $48 million in debt financing in April 2015. Investors were not announce. The total amount raised was offered in convertible promissory notes.
Biotechnology company
A company dentifying and globalizing China's inovations in the pharmaceuticals field