A Dublin-based umbrella group that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates
Halo Business Angel Network is an umbrella group in Dublin that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates. Founded 2009 in Dublin, IrelandIreland, the firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, and series A rounds. The notable investment portfolio of Halo Business Angel Network includes Thrive.App Ltd, UtilityAR, Adoreboard, Bluesona, Buymie, umba, CroíValve, Hexafly, Ostoform, and ProVerum Medical. Halo Business Angel Network typically invests €50,000/£40,000 to €250,000/£200,000). As of January 2020, Halo Business Angel Network has made 19 investments.
Halo Business Angel Network is an umbrella group in Dublin that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates. Founded 2009 in Dublin, Ireland, the firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, and series A rounds. The notable investment portfolio of Halo Business Angel Network includes Thrive.App Ltd, UtilityAR, AdoreboardAdoreboard, Bluesona, Buymie, umba, CroíValve, Hexafly, Ostoform, and ProVerum Medical. Halo Business Angel Network typically invests €50,000/£40,000 to €250,000/£200,000). As of January 2020, Halo Business Angel Network has made 19 investments.
Halo Business Angel Network is an umbrella group in Dublin that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates. Founded 2009 in Dublin, Ireland, the firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, and series A rounds. The notable investment portfolio of Halo Business Angel Network includes Thrive.App Ltd, UtilityAR, Adoreboard, Bluesona, BuymieBuymie, umba, CroíValve, Hexafly, Ostoform, and ProVerum Medical. Halo Business Angel Network typically invests €50,000/£40,000 to €250,000/£200,000). As of January 2020, Halo Business Angel Network has made 19 investments.
Halo Business Angel Network is an umbrella group in Dublin that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates. Founded 2009 in Dublin, Ireland, the firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, and series A rounds. The notable investment portfolio of Halo Business Angel Network includes Thrive.App Ltd, UtilityAR, Adoreboard, Bluesona, Buymie, umba, CroíValve, HexaflyHexafly, Ostoform, and ProVerum Medical. Halo Business Angel Network typically invests €50,000/£40,000 to €250,000/£200,000). As of January 2020, Halo Business Angel Network has made 19 investments.
A Dublin-based umbrella group that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates
Halo Business Angel Network is an umbrella group in Dublin that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates. Founded 2009 in Dublin, Ireland, the firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, and series A rounds. The notable investment portfolio of Halo Business Angel Network includes Thrive.App Ltd, UtilityAR, Adoreboard, Bluesona, Buymie, umba, CroíValve, Hexafly, Ostoform, and ProVerum Medical. Halo Business Angel Network typically invests €50,000/£40,000 to €250,000/£200,000). As of January 2020, Halo Business Angel Network has made 19 investments.
A Dublin-based umbrella group that focuses on the development of business angel syndicates