Founder of GrabShack
I have 11 years of entrepreneurial experience in various spectrum of tech; including architecting, development and design in different tech fields (Mobile, Web Services, SaaS, Blockchain).
Started my entrepreneur journey with mobile apps and games back in 2009 and debuted with 360 web browser which was a revolutionary product at that time with tabbed browsing, downloading, firefox sync, music streaming along with all the bells and whistles, this went on be become the top 10 app in the US app store. Moving along the way, I created some awesome mobile games and apps before finally drifting into app marketing and consulting.
Being the tech geek I am, I moved away from the mobile space in 2016 to explore things that might excite me more which led me to create and dabble into web services, viral content aggregator website and an e-commerce price aggregator service before finally re-finding my passion as blockchain in 2018.
Intent on learning more, I joined a fintech blockchain firm of New York to gain expertise and learn the nooks and corners of blockchain tech. As luck would have it, they split into a different 20+ people company working on blockchain products focusing on mobile, I served as a CTO over there with decentralized elections before finally deciding to continue my “decentralized” entrepreneurial journey.
This new beginning led me to discover various pain points of blockchain adoption and I quickly realized how blockchain doesn’t have decentralize notification protocol yet, a concept which is tied to our online presence and the traditional web 2.0 services which led to the invention of Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) and that's my journey so far.
Founder of GrabShack
Founder of GrabShack
Founder of GrabShack