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Founded in 2019, Healthchain is using blockchain technology to integrate medical record data across payers and providers, which allows patients control which payers/providers gets access to their medical records, and also keep their data continuous, correct, and secure. The company's focus is on the transformation of healthcare data interoperability and secure access to patient data across healthcare providers.
The Healthchain Suite includes the following tools:
- FHIR API PLATFORM: The platform enables FHIR integration with native eco system for meeting the CMS Interoperability Mandate for the medical records
- OMEGA- THIRD PARTY APP: This is an app for members to connect to payers and retrieve data, as mandated by CMS Interoperability
- PLASMA TESTING SUITE: This is an app for testing conformance to CMS Interoperability mandate. Health plans can get data from CMS and integrate it with other data sources
- DIGITAL HEALTH PASS: This app was designed for health plans, providers, and employers to enable their organizations have access to vaccination data via mobile and web platforms
- VALUE BASED CARE MODULE: This technology automatically adjudicates claims by matching with the necessary clinical information by utilizing blockchain SMART contracts.
This is an AI-Powered Medicare LeadGen Platform. The platform empowers health plans with access to the Medicare Leads, which has the email IDs, phone numbers, addresses of the qualifying Medicare members. For Marketing Teams, LeadGen consolidates, streamlines, and automates the required data and can segment leads, offer the AI recommendation engine, facilitate Direct CRM Push as well as a Reporting Dashboard. For Sales teams, LeadGen facilitates lead tracking and scoring, lead automation, and sales life cycle management.