The Human Brainnetome Atlas shows brain parcellations, connections, and functional data and can be considered the next technological step for brain research following the information obtained by tools such as magnetic resonance imaging. The main features in the atlas are information regarding the fine-grained brain subregions and functional and structural connections.
The project aims to link the mapping of cognitive processes with multimodal characterization in order to discover brain activation and whole-brain connectivity matrices. Researchers have also linked the project to the BrainMap database to map delineated structures to mental processes. They hope to use the atlas to identify biomarkers of mental disorders and other brain disorders. It is also intended that the Human Brainnetome Atlas can be used to confirm the matching of various areas in the atlas to functional circuits in the brain, such as emotions and to use the atlas for brain-inspired artificial intelligence studies.
An interactive online interface to access and visualize the atlas is available on the research group's website. It shows the anatomical connectivity-based parcellation results.