HungryBees is an ESG (environmental, social, and financial sustainability) cryptocurrency game, powered by the #HBEE Token.
Through the development of a virtual community, via a decentralized application, a play-to-earn model, and an ecosystem of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), the platform's objective is to impact and promote socially responsible activities in the real world. HungryBees hopes to influence the real-life activities of its users through the virtual world and vice versa, by rewarding sustainable planet activities with tokens and NFTs.
play-to-earn rewards: tokens are given to users as incentives based on the progress they make in the game, as well as for socially responsible activities carried out in the real world
marketplace payments: users of the platform will possess the ability to directly purchase or sell NFTs/assets on the marketplace to fellow users in the community
farming mode: farming mode is projected to enable the promotion of a sustainable initiative both in the medium- and long-term
ESG community: through ownership of #HBEE and NFTs, community users are granted access to a variety of services and promotions coming from the platform's partners, like access to certain services at a minimized cost or free subscriptions.
HungryBees is an ESG NFT(environmental, social, and financial sustainability) cryptocurrency game, powered by the #HBEE Token.
HungryBees is an initiative advertised as having the major aim of creating a climate change conscious metaverse, promoting sustainability and socially responsible investment, via gaming, technology and community. The crypto-gamecrypto game is built on the Binance smart chain.
The ESG (environmental, social, and financial sustainability) model is promoted viaby monetization of real-life activities and is measured with an ESG ranking.
Hungry BeesHungryBees enables its users to gather crypto-tokenscryptocurrency tokens and Non-Fungible TokensNFTs that can then be sold in the market and can be gottenearned through the game, as well as the. collaborationPlayers ofcan playerscollaborate on various sustainability relatedsustainability-related activities. The platform's vision involves the transformation of their Play-to-Earnplay-to-earn modelsmodel towardstoward the development of a metaverse where the players can control their digital assets, and have the ability to exchange tokens and Non Fungible TokensNFTs across the ecosystem.
Hungry BeesHungryBees is set to develop an NFT marketplace in order to grantfor users and players the ability to mint, sell, collect, as well asand exchange Play-to-Earnplay-to-earn game items, assets, and rarities. The assets are supposed to be gottenearned through the carrying out of in-game tasks.
The #HBEE willis designed to have the following major uses:
play-to-earn rewards: tokens are given to users as incentives based on the progress they make in the game, as well as for socially responsible activities carried out in the real world
Marketplacemarketplace Paymentspayments: Usersusers of the platform will possess the ability to directly purchase or sell Non fungible tokens/assetsNFTs/assets on the marketplace to fellow users in the community.
Farmingfarming Modemode: The farming mode is projected to enable the promotion of a sustainable initiative both in the mediummedium- and long term.long-term
ESG Communitycommunity: Throughthrough ownership of #HBEE and NFTs, community users will beare granted access to a variety of services and promotions coming from the platform's partners, like access to certain services at a minimized cost or free subscriptions.
Typical HungryBees graphics
Hungry Bee Token Presale (Seed, Private, Public)
Hungry Bee Listing on Pancakeswap
Hungry Bee ESG Community expansion
Hungry Bee Partnerships with ESG and gaming
Hungry Bee Launch of Farming version
Hungry Bee NFT Gaming Marketplace development
Combat version of HungryBees
Play-Testers Gathering
Complete Game Launch
NFT Gaming Marketplace launch
Partnership with other gaming tokens utilizing Hungry Bees' NFT Marketplace
Hiring Influencers for public review
Adverts targeting Twitch and YouTube
Twitch partnership with streamers
April 7, 2022
Adverts targeting Twitch and YouTube
Twitch partnership with streamers
Adverts targeting Twitch and YouTube
Twitch partnership with streamers
April 7, 2022
Combat version of HungryBees
Play-Testers Gathering
Complete Game Launch
NFT Gaming Marketplace launch
Partnership with other gaming tokens utilizing Hungry Bees' NFT Marketplace
Hiring Influencers for public review
Adverts targeting Twitch and YouTube
Twitch partnership with streamers
Combat version of HungryBees
Play-Testers Gathering
Complete Game Launch
NFT Gaming Marketplace launch
Partnership with other gaming tokens utilizing Hungry Bees' NFT Marketplace
Hiring Influencers for public review
April 7, 2022
Combat version of HungryBees
Play-Testers Gathering
Complete Game Launch
NFT Gaming Marketplace launch
Partnership with other gaming tokens utilizing Hungry Bees' NFT Marketplace
Hiring Influencers for public review
January 1, 2022
Hungry Bee Token Presale (Seed, Private, Public)
Hungry Bee Listing on Pancakeswap
Hungry Bee ESG Community expansion
Hungry Bee Partnerships with ESG and gaming
Hungry Bee Launch of Farming version
Hungry Bee NFT Gaming Marketplace development
Hungry Bee Token Presale (Seed, Private, Public)
Hungry Bee Listing on Pancakeswap
Hungry Bee ESG Community expansion
Hungry Bee Partnerships with ESG and gaming
Hungry Bee Launch of Farming version
Hungry Bee NFT Gaming Marketplace development
January 1, 2022
Hungry Bee Token Presale (Seed, Private, Public)
Hungry Bee Listing on Pancakeswap
Hungry Bee ESG Community expansion
Hungry Bee Partnerships with ESG and gaming
Hungry Bee Launch of Farming version
Hungry Bee NFT Gaming Marketplace development
The ESG (environmental, social, and financial sustainability) model is promoted via monetization of real-life activities and is measured with an ESG ranking.
HungryBees is an initiative advertised as having the major aim of creating a climate change conscious metaverse, promoting sustainability and socially responsible investment, via gaming, technology and community. The crypto-game is built on Binance smart chain.