Hush is a fashion & lifestyle brand founded in 2003.
HushListis a protocol for anonymous mailing lists using the encrypted memo eld of the zcash protocol.Technical terms for concepts that play an important role inHushListare written inslanted text.Italicsare usedfor emphasis and for references between sections of the document.The key wordsMUST,MUST NOT,SHOULD, andSHOULD NOTin this document are to be interpreted as describedin [RFC-2119] when they appear inALL CAPS. These words may also appear in this document in lower case as plainEnglish words, absent their normative meanings.This specication is structured as follows:•Notation — denitions of notation used throughout the document;
Concepts — the principal abstractions needed to understand the protocol;
Abstract Protocol — a high-level description of the protocol in terms of ideal cryptographic components;
Concrete Protocol — how the functions and encodings of the abstract protocol are instantiated;