Plants that grow on the water with a nutrient-rich solution. The roots are in direct contact with the water. No soil is needed, though oxygen is also important for the plant to grow.
Plants that grow on the water with a nutrient-rich solution. The roots are in direct contact with the water. No soil is needed, though oxygen is also important for the plant to grow.
Hydroponics plants grow much faster than plants on the soil. About 25% -30% increased in growth compared to a plant grown on soil. It also uses less water than soil-based plant because it is grown in an enclosed area. Enclosed environment means less evaporation
The disadvantage however is Hydroponics plants need more care than soil-based plants. It should be monitored carefully, and make sure everything is functioning well because hydroponics plants can die within a few hours if not properly cared.
With hydroponics, people in urban areas can grow plants without using so much space.
Types of plants that can grow on hydroponics
Vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, bok choy can grow well on hydroponics. Herbs and flowers can grow too on hydroponics. Even root crops like potatoes, carrots, and radish except for mushroom because they are fungi.
Is hydroponics plants safe to eat?
It depends on the type of nutrients that is mixed into the water because hydroponics plants grows on water mixed with nutrient rich solution.
With the worlds growing population, means more foods to consume, and hydroponics plants are considered a good source of food for the future.