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ING Group is an investment bank in Amsterdam that focuses on offering banking, investments, life insurance and retirement services. Founded 1991 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, the Netherlands by Adriana Venter, it invests in late stage ventures and seed. Its portfolio companies include Ascent, COFCO, Fnality International, HQLAX, Kabbage, MobieTrain, Spruce Finance, Sunseap and Twisto. As of March 2020, ING Group has made 30 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 9, 2020, when HQLAX raised. ING Group has had five exits, the most notable of which include PayPal, Avantium Technologies, and Ascenty.
ING is an Amsterdam, Netherlands-based bank which provides services to medium business, large business and institutions, and corporate clients. Founded in 1991, the main activities of the bank include retail banking, direct banking, commercial banking, investment banking, asset management, and insurance services.
ING, which stands for the Internationale Nederlanden Groep (International Netherlands Group), was created with the merger of Dutch insurer Nationale-Nederlanden and national postal bank NMB Postbank.
ING has total assets of $1.1 trillion and long-term debt as of December 2019 of €150 billion. Since 2012, ING has been part of the Inter-Alpha Group of Banks, a cooperative consortium of 11 prominent European banks. And, as of 2018, ING had 38.4 million clients in more than forty countries.
ING's orange color scheme and the lion both represent the companies merged and acquired during the creation of ING, and also represent the national color of the Netherlands and the national symbol of the Netherlands.