SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address NOAA’s need for technologies conducive to a weather-ready nation, Intellisense Systems, Inc. (Intellisense) proposes, in Phase II, to advance the development of a new Flood Location and Alerting (FLOA) software system proven feasible in Phase I. FLOA is based on integrating data from IoT flood sensors such as Intellisense’s AWARE, combined with publicly available data, into Waze, a mobile-based navigation application, and FEMA’s IPAWS. Specifically, the innovation in an extensible software platform capable of ingesting sensor and publicly available data and its compatibility with Waze and other mass notification systems will significantly improve the process of disseminating flood hazard information to help reduce loss of life, property, and disruption from high-impact weather events, as well as improving transportation safety and efficiency. As a result, FLOA offers extensibility to integrate with future sensors and multiple notification systems while being easy to deploy. During Phase I, in addition to demonstrating FLOA’s feasibility, Intellisense developed FLOA’s automated alert system and built relationships with facilitating companies. In Phase II, Intellisense will complete integration of the developed software with IPAWS and other public data sources. Intellisense will also develop a user interface for ease of access to flood hazard information for municipalities.