SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the Navy’s need for an automated system to assist in the gauge block calibration process, Intellisense Systems, Inc. (Intellisense) proposes to advance in Phase II the development of a new Autonomous Robotic Calibration (ARC) system, which was demonstrated and proven feasible in Phase I research. ARC is based on (a) a novel implementation of a gauge block handling robot, which supports accurate block placement without user intervention, and (b) a novel integration of machine vision algorithms providing increased placement accuracy and automatic identification of the gauge blocks. As a result, the ARC system will provide a compact, cost-efficient robot implementing repeatable and reliable gauge block calibration with no or minimal user supervision. In Phase II, Intellisense will build working prototypes of the ARC system and test and demonstrate its capability to meet all performance requirements. The ARC system will be capable of operating with gauge blocks of different sizes (from