Product attributes
The mission of IQOS is to become a full-fledged replacement for cigarettes for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke. IQOS-is a tobacco heating system developed by Philip Morris International.The system is used by smokers as an alternative way to consume tobacco, not as a way to get rid of nicotine addiction. To use the system, you need three components: a charger, a holder and a heated tobacco stick (tobacco drain).
1. Tobacco stock does not contain chopped tobacco leaves and is made of compressed tobacco powder with the addition of water, glycerin, guar gum and cellulose fibers.Tobacco is compressed by compression (patented crimping technology).The weight of the stick is about 320 mg.
2. The holder is an electronic system powered by a battery. Inside the holder is a ceramic heating element covered with gold and platinum. The holder heats the tobacco in the exact set range.
3. The charger is used to charge the holder.