The males of iguanovye territorial and guard their territory from other males of their species. Lizards use a number of different signals for visual communication and designation of the boundaries of the territory. On the territory of the male usually live a few females.
All iguanovy lay eggs.
Unlike many other lizards, all iguanovy are vegetative animals that feed in the main leaves, flowers and fruits. At a young age, they can eat insects insects other than herbal food. With the age of iguana, completely switch to vegetation food. One of the characteristic signs of iguanov - enlarged and separated by the septum collar, which performs the role of a kind of "ferotary chamber" for fermentation and in the future better absorption of coarse vegetation feed. Fermentation is carried out by symbiotic microflora living in the intestine of iguan. Young lizards who do not have this microflora receive it by entering the feces of adults.
Initially, the evolution of iguanov, apparently, occurred in the desert conditions, which led to the appearance of some characteristic adaptations, for example, salt glands. These glands help remove the excess of potassium, which enters the body of lizards with vegetable food. The salt glands later allowed the sea iguanam (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) to adapt to habitat in the tidal zone of sea coasts and eat food with a high salt content (sea algae).
Some iguanovy lead a terrestrial lifestyle, such as deserted iguana (DipSosaurus), Cyclura, Chaquella, Black Iguanas (Ctenosaura). Others live predominantly on trees (real Iguana Iguana, Brachylofus Brachylophus). Wood species are rarely lowered to the ground, most often for teaching eggs.
Real Iguanas (genus Iguana) are among the largest representatives of the family, the iguana-iguana length (Iguana iGuana) reaches 2 m. For comparison, the length of the desert iguana (DorseSosaurus Dorsalis) usually does not exceed 35 centimeters. A distinctive feature of the family is pleruodonic teeth, which are not observed in the iguan-like lizards of the old light - Agamov (Agamidae) and chameleon (Chamaeleonidae). The Iguanov has a series of synapomorphic signs, among which partitions in the thick intestine can be noted.
Iguanovy (Lat. Iguanidae) - a family relative to the major lizards of the European-shaped lizard, adapted to the conditions of dry climate. Relatively recently there was a revision of this family, whose representatives were previously identified as the subfamily of Iguaninae. According to modern classification, the family includes 8 clans and 25 species. Iguanovy are common in North, Central and South America, on the Antilles, Galapagos Islands and Fiji Islands.