SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The objective of this program is to develop a transducer that will provide the wideband acoustic signature required for the next generation small diameter expendable mobile training target that will satisfy the training needs of current and potential users. There is a desire to obtain lower frequency performance for the current A-size 4.875 inch diameter vehicle, MK39 EMATT. The previous phases of this program have explored a variety of variants of Trioid Low Frequency Transducer and compared it to similar products. The Trioids compact size, weight and performance elevate it above it’s competitors and make it the ideal choice to address the Navy’s low frequency needs for Antisubmarine warfare training. The Trioid has been extensively studied a the extra lightweight (XLW) variant appears to best address the difficult requirements recommended by the Navy and our commercialization partner, Lockheed Martin (LM). LM is responsible for the integration and validation of the new EMATT-LF, equipped with the Trioid transducer. Image has been working with our subcontractors, LM and Falmouth Scientific Inc (FSI), to prepare for this endeavor and are uniquely qualified deliver a working prototypes. LM is the sole manufacturer of the EMATT and FSI has over a decade of experience manufacturing variants of the Trioid. During the Phase II of this SBIR, the team successfully integrated an older Trioid variant into the EMATT, which provided enhanced LF performance, however there was a desire to continue lower in frequency. The XLW has been tested acoustically and under pressure to demonstrate it’s capability, and should provide the ideal candidate to address this need. The team is actively supporting these goals in the Phase II Option, and believe the unit will be ready to handle PPV testing in the Phase II.5. Image will continue the development of the Trioid to improve its performance under high pressure and offer the Navy the best possible product.