SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Identifying trends and patters across data from the Department of Defense (DoD)/intelligence community (IC) foreign material exploitation (FME) community is only done by a relatively small number of subject matter experts (SMEs). They possess the requisite tradecraft experience working across multiple organizations and systems to find data linkages and identify device signatures. As the need for FME data analysis continues to increase and devices become more complex, improvements in the way information is captured, shared, and analyzed is critical for producing better actionable intelligence. ARES (All Records Enterprise System) is a unified system that can store detailed asset data for any mission set at the most granular level, enabling analysts from any agency to make meaningful linkages. Through the implementation of ARES, it is possible for intelligence to be shared more effectively up and down the exploitation chain. This “big data” solution will improve the DoD and IC’s data analytics capabilities, provide faster information sharing, and produce stronger actionable intelligence all within a single system with one data architecture.