Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, Washington-based venture capital company founded in 2000 by Nathan Myhrvold.
Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, Washington based venture capital firm founded in 2000 by Edward Jung, Greg Gorder, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Detkin.
Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, Washington based venture capital firm founded in 2000 by Edward JungEdward Jung, Greg Gorder, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Detkin.
Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, Washington based venture capital firmventure capital firm founded in 2000 by Edward Jung, Greg Gorder, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Detkin.
Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, WashingtonBellevue, Washington based venture capital firm founded in 2000 by Edward Jung, Greg Gorder, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Detkin.
Intellectual Ventures is a Bellevue, Washington based venture capital firm founded in 2000 by Edward Jung, Greg Gorder, Nathan MyhrvoldNathan Myhrvold and Peter Detkin.