SBIR/STTR Award attributes
PROJECT SUMMARYIsoTruss Inc.Title: Versatile network access through lightweight space saving and durable IsoTrussmobile cell sitesPI: Jensen David W. Institution: IsoTruss Inc.Even with efforts to expand network coverage there are still 18 million Americanswithout broadband access with nearly a quarter of rural Americans without broadband access.The importance of closing the digital divide in network coverage between urban and rural areashas never been as apparent as during the recent worldwide pandemic. Lack of network access inrural areas prevents or disadvantages telehealth resources distance learning ecommerce andremote work opportunities for residents and potential tourists. Events and programs such astraveling healthcare and tourist attractions may not be feasible without adequate availablenetwork coverage.This project proposes to create mobile cell sites that can provide temporary coveragequickly and easily. IsoTruss Inc. designs and manufactures patented composite lattice structuresthat reduce weight by 12X compared to steel structures without compromising strength. Thesestructures have been successfully applied to rural telecom towers because of their reduced weightand significantly lower installation and maintenance costs. In this project IsoTruss will utilize itspatented geometry to create a lightweight space-saving mobile cell site that can be assembledand disassembled quickly without additional equipment. The proposed mobile cell site will savespace weigh less and last longer than current options. Expanded network coverage will improverural community economies and quality of life by accommodating large sporting events concertsand other tourist attractions. Mobile cell sites will also provide network access quickly duringnatural disasters when existing networks are damaged. The space and weight savings of theIsoTruss product will allow these mobile cell sites better transport and assembly in disaster- stricken areas.