born in France
Jean Fallacara is a French-born author and businessperson who is the founder of Z-SCI Corp, Z-Sciences Corporation, and has been a managing director of inTest since October 2021. He is also known for his book, Neuroscience Calisthenics.
Born in France, Jean studied genetics and biotechnology.Jean is also the founder of Cyborggainz which provides a neuroscientific approach to calisthenics and online training in calisthenics. In 2021, his company, Cyborggainz, acquired Biohackers Magazine.
In 1993, he founded Z-SCI Corp which is based in Montreal, Canada. Formerly known as Daihan Labtech, the company renamed itself as Z-SCI Corp in 2012. It develops lab equipment for the biomedical and biotech industry and is known for its Twincore ultra-low temperature freezer.Jean is also the founder of Cyborggainz which provides a neuroscientific approach to calisthenics and online training in calisthenics. In 2021, his company, Cyborggainz, acquired Biohackers Magazine.
In October 2021, he sold his company, Z-Sciences Corp, to NYSE-listed inTEST.