A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Jetoptera, Inc. in August, 2021 for $749,954.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
The Air Force has awarded Jetoptera two key Phase I STTR’s that will contribute to inform this Direct to Phase II SBIR. AF Contract number FA8649-21-P-0185 is utilizing FPS™ integrated into an Upper Surface Blown (USB) wing configuration with a mock high-lift system of wing and flap for full characterization of the performance in a wind tunnel by supplying the motive air to the FPS™ on the wing from the University of Washington (RI) Kirsten Wind Tunnel compressor; the activities related to this program are continuing and it is expected to yield the first results by the end of March 2021; the results will establish the design space of the FPSTM+USB in terms of establishing the optimal architecture and operation at speeds from static to 200 mph; under this program, the retraction of the thrusters will be used to lower the drag by bypassing of the FPS™ thrusters so the motive fluid is expanded at higher speeds as a jet are investigated. The program will show the versatility and high-speed potential of the VTOL aircraft that uses no moving parts on the fuselage or wings. In AF Contract number FA8649-21-P-0181 the FPS™ is being studied with University of Notre Dame (UND) (RI) Turbomachinery Lab in an anechoic chamber utilizing an array of 20 microphones for a 2nd method of noise measurement & an acoustic & aerodynamic performance comparison to an electric ducted fan & electric motor propeller of the same thrust level. Our findings will be confirmed with an independent method that FPSTM is the quietest aircraft propulsor. This Direct to Phase II SBIR will examine how the FPSTM can be integrated into both the fuselage and wing, into what we call the Blended Wing Body (BWB) airframe. We posit this design can deliver a high lift-to-drag (L/D of over 25) performance in conjunction with the Upper Surface Blown (USB) Wing concept. If this is this is case, the FPSTM could become the most efficient, highest speed and LPD VTOL & HSVTOL aircraft. We propose to demonstrate the static lift, low noise and thermal signature performance by the deployment of a turbo-compressor fed FPS™ integrated with a high lift wing system that would be used in a LPD aircraft project we have named “Hedwig”. Hedwig is a prototype demonstrator of a 500 lbs. MTOW, BWB type VTOL aircraft, powered by the FPS™, with unmatched performance of speeds (400 kts) and range (500 miles combat radius) and payload (100 lbs.) This Direct to Phase II proposal is limited to the demonstration of the static high-lift propulsor and wing performance for vertical take-off using a thermally recuperated 90kW turbo-compressor. With data collected and lessons learned from this program, a full flight demonstration of Hedwig will inform to support a Phase III SBIR or STRATFI prototype development program. The Jetoptera Team will leverage their expertise in propulsion and composite high lift capabilities to deliver a uniquely capable LPD aircraft.