American crime boss
Biography - American gangster John Joseph Gotti was an influential crime boss and the leader of the Gambino clan in the 1980s. Trading in gambling, racketeering and contract killings, the criminal became widely known in the world mafia circles.
Childhood and youth - The biography of John Joseph Gotti Jr. began in the United States of America, he was born in the Bronx in 1940. Being Italians by nationality, the ancestors, natives of Naples, were proud of male children, who were present in the family in great numbers.
The future mafioso became the fifth son of an inconspicuous married couple, his childhood was spent surrounded by 12 brothers and sisters. The plight of the family, who was struggling in search of work, at an early age gave the young man a disappointing verdict.
A day laborer father and a dependent mother practically did not care about the offspring, so the children independently earned money for living. A coin that fell into their hands from the pocket of a gawking passerby inspired them with a sense of true joy.
John in Police DEPT
In the early 50s, the Gotti family settled in East New York, John was sent to high school to strict and demanding teachers. The boy had no interest in general education subjects and sought to escape to the streets to friends on every occasion.
At the age of 14, the middle child of Gotti Sr. got involved with criminal gangs that robbed honest people. Raids on small shops and bullying of peers were among the most harmless undertakings.
In his youth, the guy moved in the company of future Gambino gangsters, Angelo Ruggiero and Willie Boy Johnson taught him how to survive. The strength and quick temper manifested during this period were combined with the ability to think and, if necessary, to run.
Personal life - Having gained a foothold in the criminal world, John took care of his personal life. In a trendy bar, he met his future wife. Italian Victoria Di Giorgio, who had Russian roots, protected the fragile family peace for a long time.
After the wedding, which took place in March 1962, the Gotti couple became parents of five children of different sexes. Love for his wife forced the unbalanced gangster to try to establish an existence in the society of ordinary people.
Gotti worked in a garment factory and drove a car, but these professions did not bring satisfaction and profit. A man with criminal tendencies returned to his criminal past as soon as he realized that the family was about to be stranded.
As a result, Victoria resigned herself to her fate, and after the death of her youngest son, she had every chance to go to prison. The woman threatened with a baseball bat to the motorist who hit the boy, but the culprit of the accident did not have time to tell anyone about it.
From that moment on, an atmosphere of distrust reigned in the Gotti house, the wife was sincerely worried about the fate of the remaining children. When John was arrested, the society became aware that one of the middle sons was aiming for his post.
Interested people learned about the daughter, whose name was Victoria, thanks to the film Catherine Kieran, filmed in 2019. It turned out that the mafioso was sincerely attached to the girl and in a critical situation went on about her.
Crimes - In his youth, Gotti's idol was the boss Albert Anastasia, the teenager dreamed of getting a major criminal order in the future. He became the leader of a gang that stole industrial transport, but small casual earnings did not delight the guy.
Salvatore Sammy Gravano's book "Crime Bosses" told how an American from the outskirts began a triumphant path. He collaborated with moneylenders and wealthy bookmakers, whose goal was to cash in on those who could be deceived.
Gotti and Gravano
The success of some enterprises led Gotti to the Gambino family, he stole trucks from the airport and killed innocent people. Joining the mafia stars under the command of Paul Castellano, the "soldier" began to implement bold ideas.
In July 1977, John joined the ranks of Cosa Nostra and earned a reputation for being used to paying the bills. He will thank Aniello's benefactor and mentor Neil Dellacroce, he quickly advanced through the service and received the title of captain.
Having headed the "Bergin gang", an American of Italian origin committed a number of crimes that hit the pages of newspapers. Trading robberies and racketeering in the prosperous areas of New York, the leader of a gang of criminals gained authority.
In the mid-80s, the clan split into factions, and Gotti, who initiated the boss's murder, restored a shaky balance. Taking the place of the criminal leader, the new king of the underworld tried to make the most of the opportunity.
John Joseph Jr. quite often appeared at public events, his photo was printed on the covers of People and New York Times Magazine. The other side of his life was cooperation with the "Aryan Brotherhood", consisting of hardened racists who exported heroin.
In the 90s, the Gotti soldier betrayed the boss of the underworld, until that time the mafia leader coped with the persecution of the authorities. The lawyers brought charges of racketeering, drug trafficking, tax evasion and the murder of many people.
Death - In the late 90s, John Gotti was diagnosed with throat cancer, he was placed in a prison hospital full of professional doctors. Qualified oncologists removed a malignant tumor, this event became the topic of American news.
2 years later, new metastases caused sudden death, the boss of the Gambino family died in the early 2000s. To get permission for a decent funeral from the Roman Catholic diocese, the relatives of the criminal authority cost incredible efforts.
In art
1994 - "Catch Gotti" (actor Anthony John Denison)
1996 — "Gotti" (actor Armand Assante)
1998 - "Witness against the Mafia" (actor Tom Sizemore)
2001 — "Boss of All Bosses" (actor Sonny Marinelli)
2001 - "The Big Heist" (actor Steven Randazzo)
2010 — "The Sinatra Club" (actor Danny Nucci)
2018 — "The Gotti Code" (actor John Travolta)
King of New York song by Fun Lovin' Criminals
The song "John Gotti" by Bad Balance
Song Hijack by Tyga
A song by John Gotti by Kevin Gates
The album Teflon Don by rapper Rick Ross
A song by John Gotti by rapper Kollegah
The song Everybody get up by the band Five
The song Stakes Is High by De La Soul
Song Amore by Pitbull & Leona Lewis duo
December 6, 2017
American crime boss