Juego Studios is an India-based game development company.
Juego Studios is an India-based game development company.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. Juego Studios works with the gaming, automotive, education, real estate, medical, and banking industries. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, mobile phones, desktops, Facebook, and Mac and is both aheadquartered Unityin certified developer and ISO-9001:2015Bangalore, certified.JuegoIndia, Studioswith employsadditional someoffices ofin theLondon, topKuwait videoCity, gameMiami, developersFlorida, AR/VREl specialistsCerrito, , designersCalifornia, artistsPlano, , animatorsTexas, and technologyMarlboro, experts inNew the industryJersey.
The company develops games for multiple platforms, including the following:
Juego is both a Unity-certified developer and ISO-9001:2015 certified. Juego Studios employs video game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios works with the gaming, automotive, education, real estate, medical, and banking industries and is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with additional offices in London, Kuwait City, Miami, Florida, El Cerrito, California, Plano, Texas, and Marlboro, New Jersey.
Juego Studios has experience with a variety of game development technologies, including Unity 3D, HTML5, PlayCanvas, Unreal, Cocos2D, Cocos2D X, OpenGL/ES 2.0+, Cocoa, Objective-C, Java, Eclipse, C, C++ , C#, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB.
Juego Studios was founded in 2011 by the company's CEO Suman Balakrishna and COO Rudresha M. Since that timethen, the company has expanded from being a video game design company to a full-fledged technology venture dealing with AR/VR, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, mobile phones, desktops, Facebook, and Mac and is both a Unity certified developer and ISO-9001:2015 certified.Juego Studios employs some of the top video game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios works with the gaming, automotive, education, real estate, medical, and banking industries and is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with additional offices in London, Kuwait City, Miami, Florida, El Cerrito, California, Plano, Texas, and Marlboro, New Jersey.
Juego Studios has experience with a variety of game development technologies including Unity 3D, HTML5, PlayCanvas, Unreal, Cocos2D, Cocos2D X, OpenGL/ES 2.0+, Cocoa, Objective CObjective-C, Java, EclipseEclipse, C, C++ , C#, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, mobile phones, desktops, Facebook, and Mac and is ISO-9001:2008 both a Unity certified developer and ISO-9001:2015 certified.Juego Studios employs some of the top video game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios works with the gaming, automotive, education, real estate, medical, and banking and is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with additional offices in London, Kuwait City, Miami, Florida, El Cerrito, California, Plano, Texas, and Marlboro, New Jersey.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, mobile phonesmobile phones, desktopsdesktops, Facebook, and Mac and is ISO-9001:2008 certified.Juego Studios isemploys headquarteredsome inof Bangalore,the India, with additional officestop in London,video Kuwaitgame Citydevelopers, Miami,AR/VR Floridaspecialists, El Cerritodesigners, , Californiaartists, Planoanimators,, Texas and Marlboro,technology experts in Newthe Jerseyindustry.
Juego Studios is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with additional offices in London, Kuwait City, Miami, Florida, El Cerrito, California, Plano, Texas and Marlboro, New Jersey.
Juego Studios was founded in 2011 by the company's CEO Suman Balakrishna and COO Rudresha M. Since that time, the company has expanded from being a video game design company to a full-fledged technology venture dealing with AR/VR, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies. The company employs some of the top game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, mobile phones, desktops, Facebook, and Mac and is ISO-9001:2008 certifiedcertified.Juego Studios is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with additional offices in London, Kuwait City, Miami, Florida, El Cerrito, California, Plano, Texas and Marlboro, New Jersey.
Juego Studios is an India-based game development company.
Juego Studios is an India-based game development company
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video game and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions. The company develops games for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, mobile phones, desktops, Facebook, and Mac and is ISO-9001:2008 certified.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in video gamegame development,and mobile application development, NFT and blockchain development, AR/VR and metaverse development, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and enterprise solutions, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and AR/VR development services.
Juego Studios was founded in 2011 by the company's CEO Suman Balakrishna and COO Rudresha M. Since that time, the company has expanded from being a video gamegame design company to a full-fledged technology venture dealing with AR/VR, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies. The company employs some of the top game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios was founded in 2011 by the company's CEO Suman BalakrishnaSuman Balakrishna and COO Rudresha MRudresha M. Since that time, the company has expanded from being a game design company to a full-fledged technology venture dealing with AR/VR, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies. The company employs some of the top game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers, artists, animators, and technology experts in the industry.
Juego Studios is a global technology service company specializing in game development, mobile application development, NFT development, metaverse development, enterprise solutions, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, art, design, and AR/VR development services.
StartedJuego Studios was founded in 2011 by the company's CEO Suman Balakrishna and COO Rudresha M. Since that time, JUEGOthe STUDIOScompany has expanded from being a game design company to a full-fledged technology venture dealing with ARAR/VRVR, IoTIoT, AIAI, and other emerging technologies. OurThe teamcompany includesemploys some of the top game developers, ARAR/VRVR specialists, designers, artists, animatorsanimators, and technology experts in the industry.