JustBioFiber Structural Solutions is an Airdrie, Alberta-based manufacturer of hempcrete blocks for replacement of concrete and of carbon capture solutions.
Not only does JBF help the environment but also creates jobs and delivers on the promise of sustainable developmentsustainable development with respect for the environment, social, and governance changes that need to be made for the future of people, planet, and prosperity.
The building materialsbuilding materials sector is a massive and eclectic market – and also one of the world’s largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and waste/pollution. The Environmental, Social, and Governance models of hundreds of global 500 companies’ performance are aimed at increasing their global ESG impact, and through the use of innovative building systems products that can reduce and create a sustainable environment are in high demand and will be for the foreseeable future.
JustBioFiber Structural Solutions is an Airdrie, Alberta-based manufacturer of hempcrete blocks for replacement of concrete and of carbon capture solutions.
Just BioFiber Structural Solutions, also known as JBF, ensures homes have longevity, safety, comfort, strength, sustainability, fire resistance, fast construction, more efficiency, and lower cost. JBF develops a series of building construction systems and materials aiming for its development values.
The company allows for sustainable and environmental-friendly construction. Hundreds of cities have committed to net-zero carbon emissions in all new buildings by 2030 – but the existing models cannot support this vision and this is where the new Just Bio Fiber technology comes to the forefront. JBF can not only meet these objectives but improve all aspects of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) using hyper-local sustainable economics – providing full life-cycle support for low-cost housing, jobs, and agriculture (soil improvement) all through a sustainable CO2 negative building system.
Not only does JBF help the environment but also creates jobs and delivers on the promise of sustainable development with respect for the environment, social, and governance changes that need to be made for the future of people, planet, and prosperity.
Just BioFiber's energy-saving blocks capture CO2. The blocks also have a high R-value insulation with thermal mass. The blocks are used to construct environmental-friendly structures. Along with using JBF’s environmentally friendly blocks that sequester carbon, the company's projects incorporate other sustainable properties into the design including solar panels and a rainwater collection system.
Just BioFiber uses a patented composite structural frame inside each block that interlocks when stacked. JBF also has a complement of strips, bolts, and window/door trim that allows building an entire wall system.
The building materials sector is a massive and eclectic market – and also one of the world’s largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and waste/pollution. The Environmental, Social, and Governance models of hundreds of global 500 companies’ performance are aimed at increasing their global ESG impact, and through the use of innovative building systems products that can reduce and create a sustainable environment are in high demand and will be for the foreseeable future.
Each JBF block in the construction has enough hemp in it that it sequesters 6.5kg of carbon dioxide. Besides the fact that growing hemp can lock up four times more CO2 annually than a mature forest, the building system is able to be assembled carbon negative in-place. That means taking into account all of the emissions from extraction of raw materials, transport, processing, installation, use, and recycling amounts to a sustainable building system.
Dave Ladouceur founds Just Biofiber Structural Solutions, Corp. in 2014 with a vision to bring a sustainable building system to market that would improve quality of living, with lower cost, without waste, and easy to construct. JBF creates a patented building system based on structural blocks that outperform virtually all existing and alternative building systems. Now with a backlog of over two years of production and global demand – JBF takes the international stage.
JustBioFiber Structural Solutions is an Airdrie, Alberta-based manufacturer of hempcrete blocks for replacement of concrete and of carbon capture solutions.