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Kamianka-Buzka is the center of the newly created Kamianka-Buzka territorial community in the Lviv district of Lviv region.

Historians express the main two hypotheses of the origin of the name "Kamyanka". The first hypothesis is derived from the Kaminka River, which crosses the city in the north, and the second from small boulders deposited from Scandinavia during the Ice Age, which can still be found in the surrounding fields.
Initially, the settlement was called Dymoshin.
From the middle of the XV century Kamyanka-Strumylova was named after the owner - Lviv Chamberlain Yuri Strumylov. In 1471 the city received the Magdeburg right. Yuri Strumylo, as the owner of the city, funded and provided funds for the Roman Catholic parish of the city.
At the end of the XV century. Kamianka-Strumylova was a center of trade and crafts. Trade routes from Kyiv to Poland and from Volhynia to Lviv passed through the city. Twice a year fairs were held here, auctions were held weekly. In 1578 the city received the right of storage for Drohobych salt. In the city there were shops of furriers, blacksmiths, shoemakers, potters, locksmiths, swordsmen. There were 400 houses here.
Tatar attacks in the late XV - early XVI centuries. destroyed the city, it lost its ancient privileges, but April 8, 1509. King of Poland Sigismund I the Old reaffirms the city rights of Kamianka