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Founded in 1804 as Imperial Kazan University, famous mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky served there as the rector from 1827 until 1846. In 1925, the university was renamed in honour of its most famous student Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin). The university is known as the birthplace of organic chemistry due to works by Aleksandr Butlerov, Vladimir Markovnikov, Aleksandr Arbuzov, and the birthplace of electron spin resonance discovered by Evgeny Zavoisky.
In 2010, Kazan University received a federal status. It is also one of 15 Russian universities that were initially selected to participate in the Project 5-100, coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation and aimed to improve their international competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers.
As of July 2021, the university comprises 19 primary educational units, 2 of which are territorial branches. More than 50,000 students are enrolled in over 700 degree programs at undergraduate and postgraduate level (including doctoral and double-degree programs with partner universities); the number of international students is about 11,000 from 106 countries.
Research priority areas are concentrated on biomedicine and pharmaceutics, oil extraction, oil refining and petrochemistry, communications and aerospace technologies, advanced materials, and social sciences and humanities.
History & Honors
November 1804 - Creation of the Kazan Imperial University after the Affirmative Letter and the Charter signed by the Emperor Alexander I
1810-1820 - The institution formed a number of big and famous scientific schools (mathematics, chemical, medical, linguistic, geological. geobotanical)
1819-1821 - The outstanding alumnus and scholar of Kazan University Ivan Simonov participated in the discovery of Antarctica and pioneered Antarctic studies
1830 - Nikolai Lobachevsky, former Rector of Kazan University, developed non-Euclidean geometry, also referred to as Lobachevskian geometry
1850 - Since the first half of the 19th century Kazan University has been the largest center of Oriental Studies in Europe and the alma-mater to the world famous Kazan Linguistic School founded by Baudouin de Courtney
1844 - Professor Karl Ernst Claus discovered the chemical element and named it after Ruthenia, the Latin word for Russian
1847 - Leo Tolstoy, a great Russian writer and thinker, finished his studies at the University
1861 - Aleksandr Butlerov a Russian chemist, who also founded the famous Kazan (Butlerov) school, founded the theory of
organic chemical compounds structure, of organic chemists
1925 - Kazan State University was named after Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, who studied law at the university
1929 - Professor of Biochemistry Vladimir Enhelhardt discovered the phenomenon of oxidative phosphorylation which has been one of the major contributions of Russian scholars to the world science
1944 - Soviet experimental physicist Evgeny Zavoysky discovered the phenomena of electronic paramagnetic resonance,
one of the most significant physical events of the 20th century
1945 - Foundation of Kazan Department of the Soviet Academy of Sciences
1952 - Semen Altshuler proposed the theory of acoustic paramagnetic resonance which later signified the basics of
new research area - quantum acoustics
1960 - the Arbuzovs (Alexander and Boris) present their "The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds"
1996 - The President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin included Kazan State University in the Register of Cultural
Heritage Sites of the Russian Federation
2010 = Kazan University was granted the status of federal university by the decision of the Government of Russian
2015 - Kazan Federal University was included in Times Higher Education World University Rankings in 301-350 rank group, holding the 4th place amongst 18 Russian universities that also appeared present in the list.
2016 - The Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology creates the University Clinic, established to shorten the distance between
2020 - Foundation of the ‘Rational Utilization of Planet’s Liquid Hydrocarbon Reserves’ World-Class Scientific Center
2020 - Astronomical observatories of KFU are included in the preliminary list of UNESCO
Scientific and academic structure of KFU
• Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
• Institute of Environmental Sciences
• Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies
• Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry
• University Clinic
• Nikolay Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
• Institute of Physics
• Institute of Computer Mathematics and Information Technologies
• Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems
• Institute of Engineering
• Institute of International Relations
• Faculty of Law
• Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
• Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications
• Institute of Psychology and Education
• Institute of Management, Economics and Finance
• Higher School of Public Administration
• Higher School of Business
• Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers
• Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (engineering profile)
• Yelabuga Institute (humanitarian and pedagogical profile)
• Lobachevsky Lyceum
• IT Lyceum
• University School of Yelabuga