SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The benchmark for F-35 mission capability continues to be a challenge for the latest 5th generation fighter. Delicate low-observable coatings and long part lead-times results in fleet readiness well below the 80% goal. Canopy damage and repair time is one of several significant contributors to aircraft downtime. In an effort to increase mission capability, Kennon Products, Inc is proposing an affordable, multi-use, magnetic F-35 canopy cover to reduce canopy damage associated with common maintenance activities and environmental exposure. This system removes the need for disposable barrier paper and bridges tasks from aircraft washes to egress to canopy installation and removal, preventing scratches, scuffs, and abrasion via a soft-touch ESD textile liner. Proprietary magnetic seals, developed for F-22 Raptor portable engine and sensor covers, prevent sand, dust, water, and cleaning chemicals from accessing the canopy and allow the cover to remain installed even during 70mph sustained winds. With an outer reflective coating the proposed cover reflects 96% of incident solar radiation, insulating the canopy, cockpit, and avionics from excessive heat on the flight line and preventing ice and snow accumulation in cold climates.