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Kent L Bell
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Edits on 6 Oct, 2022
"Edit from table cell"
Ivanov Ivanov
edited on 6 Oct, 2022
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Edits on 12 Aug, 2022
"Edit from table cell"
Екатерина Петровская
edited on 12 Aug, 2022
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Edits on 14 Dec, 2021
"Remove inverse infobox"
Golden AI
edited on 14 Dec, 2021
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Patent primary examiner of
US Patent PP33630 X
US Patent PP16981 Gaura lindheimerii plant named ‘Gausudre’
US Patent PP33643 None
US Patent PP17510 Limoneira seedless
US Patent PP17968 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Don Domingo’
US Patent PP18003 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Apennine’
US Patent PP18071 Apple tree named ‘GUN-300’
US Patent PP18204 Poinsettia plant named ‘PER1904’
US Patent PP18212 Campanula plant named ‘Camp Inbule’
US Patent PP18221 Cactaceae plant named ‘Elsie’
US Patent PP18232 Poinsettia plant named ‘PER2004’
US Patent PP18291 Rabbiteye blueberry plant named ‘Vernon’
US Patent PP18343 Campanula plant named ‘Emerald’
US Patent PP18344 Bistorta plant named ‘Orange Field’
US Patent PP18345 Geranium plant named ‘Guigloria’
US Patent PP18346 Geranium plant named ‘Guitroika’
US Patent PP18352 Clematis plant named ‘Ice Crystal’
US Patent PP18589 Petunia plant named ‘KLEPH05115’
US Patent 7356965 Multi-embryo manufactured seed
US Patent PP33654 Apple tree named ‘PremA093’
US Patent PP33666 None
US Patent PP33684 None
US Patent PP18789 Coreopsis plant named ‘JETHRO TULL’
US Patent PP18804 Petunia plant named ‘KLEPH05113’
US Patent PP18841 Echinacea purpurea plant named ‘Lilliput’
US Patent PP18842 Dianthus plant named ‘WP05 Enid’
US Patent PP18963 Verbena plant named ‘Suntapipa’
US Patent PP18973 Pelargonium plant named ‘Fisrello’
US Patent PP18977 Loropetalum plant named ‘NCI002’
US Patent PP18978 Nemesia plant named ‘Penpur’
US Patent PP18979 Verbena plant named ‘Raspena’
US Patent PP18983 Verbena plant named ‘Lan Upmag’
US Patent PP18984 Verbena plant named ‘Rap Lilla’
US Patent PP18985 Verbena plant named ‘Lan Upviot’
US Patent PP18986 Verbena plant named ‘Lan Reda07’
US Patent PP18988 Lobelia plant named ‘Balwalila’
US Patent PP18989 Dahlia plant named ‘Scarlet Fern’
US Patent PP18990 Floribunda rose plant named ‘Meiguimov’
US Patent PP18999 Anigozanthos hybrid plant named ‘AMBER VELVET’
US Patent PP19007 Apple tree named ‘McLaughlin Gala’
US Patent PP19008 Grapevine plant named ‘Sugrathirtythree’
US Patent PP19009 Thuja plant named ‘Congabe’
US Patent PP19011 Baptisia plant named ‘Twilite’
US Patent PP19017 Aster plant named ‘Yomarie the Third’
US Patent PP19018 Aster plant named ‘Yopeter the Third’
US Patent PP19022 Poinsettia plant named ‘Estrella Red’
US Patent PP19025 Miniature rose plant named ‘KORbalrom’
US Patent PP19027 Euphorbia plant named ‘Glacier Blue’
US Patent PP19033 Heuchera plant named ‘Lemon Chiffon’
US Patent PP19035 Cotinus plant named ‘Old Fashioned’
US Patent PP19036 Shrub plant named ‘BAIrift’
US Patent PP19043 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘95-169-8’
US Patent PP19044 Minature rose plant named ‘Poulpal023’
US Patent PP19046 Shrub rose plant named ‘BAiload’
US Patent PP19047 Shrub Rose plant named ‘BAIrls’
US Patent PP19052 Pelargonium plant named ‘Fiscody’
US Patent PP19053 Lobelia plant named ‘Tech Hewhit’
US Patent PP19055 Pentas plant named ‘Nakpen005’
US Patent PP19056 Lobelia plant named ‘Tech Heupbule’
US Patent PP19057 Coprosma plant named ‘Golden Glow’
US Patent PP19058 Pelargonium plant named ‘Fistansal’
US Patent PP19066 Impatiens plant named ‘Silte Pur’
US Patent PP19067 Lobelia plant named ‘Tech Helitbule’
US Patent PP19068 Impatiens plant named ‘Silte Reeda’
US Patent PP19069 Impatiens plant named ‘Silte Redsar’
US Patent PP19071 Vriesea part named ‘Magic’
US Patent PP19072 Heuchera plant named ‘Mahogany’
US Patent PP19073 Indian Hawthorn plant named ‘Listo’
US Patent PP19075 pelargonium plant named ‘Fistarol’
US Patent PP19076 Pelargonium plant named ‘Fisrolamon’
US Patent PP19081 Coreopsis plant named ‘RP #4’
US Patent PP19085 Variety of Sutera plant named ‘Sumsut 03’
US Patent PP19089 Phlox plant named ‘USPHLO1M’
US Patent PP19092 Astilbe plant named ‘Diamonds and Pearls’
US Patent PP19093 Astilbe plant named ‘Love and Pride’
US Patent PP19094 Poinsettia plant named ‘Duescandic’
US Patent PP19095 Lobelia plant named ‘Wesloblue’
US Patent PP19098 Phlox plant named ‘USPHL03M’
US Patent PP19099 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Mayon’
US Patent PP19100 Geranium plant named ‘Gentrebu’
US Patent PP19101 Geranium plant named ‘Genbored’
US Patent PP19105 Minature rose plant ‘PACfiftyone’
US Patent PP19106 Astilbe plant named ‘To Have and To Hold’
US Patent PP19107 Hybrid tea rose plant named ‘JACsegra’
US Patent PP19108 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Sunny Yoigloo’
US Patent PP19109 Geranium plant named ‘Rosetta’
US Patent PP19110 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Becoro’
US Patent PP19111 Lobelia plant named ‘Weslobleye’
US Patent PP19112 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Pink Yoirvine’
US Patent PP19113 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Yellow Yoirvine’
US Patent PP19114 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Rosy Yoigloo’
US Patent PP19124 Agastache plant named ‘AGA 304’
US Patent PP19133 Geranium plant named ‘Gentrela’
US Patent PP19134 Geranium plant named ‘Gentred’
US Patent PP19139 Impatiens plant named ‘Silte Ror07’
US Patent PP19141 Geranium plant named ‘Gentreo’
US Patent PP19142 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Opala’
US Patent PP19143 Shrub rose plant named ‘Meijeunom’
US Patent PP19147 Coreopsis plant named ‘Lightning Flash’
US Patent PP19149 Solenostemon plant named ‘Balcenna’
US Patent PP19152 Mango tree named ‘Leopold’
US Patent PP19153 Laurus plant named ‘Pride of Provence’
US Patent PP19162 ×Wilsonara Red Pacific plant named ‘Deep Shadows’
US Patent PP19165 Ipomoea plant named ‘Kyuikukan 4’
US Patent PP19168 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Warm Yoigloo’
US Patent PP19174 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Red Yoirvine’
US Patent PP19175 Chrysocephalum plant named ‘Flochryel’
US Patent PP19177 Calibrachoa plant named ‘Caluplivi’
US Patent PP19180 Solenostemon plant named ‘Balcinsu’
US Patent PP19181 Trident maple tree named ‘ABFSS’
US Patent PP19189 Phlox plant named ‘Sunphlorai’
US Patent PP19191 Osteospermum plant named ‘Duetibrocha’
US Patent PP19192 Poinsettia plant named ‘Eckanezka’
US Patent PP19194 Nemesia plant named ‘Innkarwhi’
US Patent PP19195 Nemesia plant named ‘Inuppear’
US Patent PP19196 Petunia plant named ‘Duesweexyel’
US Patent PP19197 Petunia plant named ‘Duesweledro’
US Patent PP19198 Azalea plant named ‘Oryu’
US Patent PP19199 Senecio plant named ‘Sunsenesopi’
US Patent PP19200 Osteospermum plant named ‘Duetisunset’
US Patent PP19201 Senecio plant named ‘Sunsenebabubai’
US Patent PP19202 Geranium plant named ‘Pacmar’
US Patent PP19203 Geranium plant named ‘Fiwopi’
US Patent PP19207 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Yospirit Lake’
US Patent PP19210 Phlox plant named ‘Pure Feelings’
US Patent PP19211 Verbena plant named ‘Duempimpur’
US Patent PP19215 Petunia plant named ‘Duepotpi’
US Patent PP19216 Petunia plant named ‘Duesurprila’
US Patent PP19217 Coleus ×Perilla plant named ‘Gage's Shadow’
US Patent PP19219 Petunia plant named ‘Duesurimbu’
US Patent PP19221 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Deklindiyellow’
US Patent PP19238 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Don Carlos’
US Patent PP19239 Bracteantha plant named ‘Helisbrabic’
US Patent PP19241 Heliotropium plant named ‘Heliosil’
US Patent PP19242 Leucanthemum plant named ‘Leumayel’
US Patent PP19243 Peach tree named ‘P.F. Early 8 Ball’
US Patent PP19251 Senecio plant named ‘Sunsenebatubu’
US Patent PP19255 Geranium plant named ‘Gentreak’
US Patent PP19256 Calibrachoa plant named ‘Cal Paicoras’
US Patent PP19266 Ilex plant named ‘Carolina Ruby’
US Patent PP19271 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Grace’
US Patent PP19273 Peach tree named ‘NJF18’
US Patent PP19283 Begonia plant named ‘Innbellro’
US Patent PP19284 Begonia plant named ‘Innbellwhi’
US Patent PP19285 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG61’
US Patent PP19286 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG67’
US Patent PP19287 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG57’
US Patent PP19288 Dahlia plant named ‘Gallery La Tour’
US Patent PP19289 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG17’
US Patent PP19290 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG14’
US Patent PP19291 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG26’
US Patent PP19292 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG43’
US Patent PP19297 Petunia plant named ‘Dueswesurlav’
US Patent PP19298 Begonia plant named ‘Innbellab’
US Patent PP19299 Celosia plant named ‘Zancelor’
US Patent PP19300 Celosia plant named ‘Zancelpi’
US Patent PP19303 Dahlia plant named ‘VDTG31’
US Patent PP19304 Veronica plant named ‘YABBLU’
US Patent PP19305 Veronica plant named ‘YABPIN’
US Patent PP19310 Climbing Rose plant named ‘Radwin’
US Patent PP19312 Apple tree named ‘PB-148’
US Patent PP19315 Celosia plant named ‘Venezuela Pink’
US Patent PP19316 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Wet’
US Patent PP19317 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Re’
US Patent PP19320 Alstroemeria plant named ‘Zaprilet’
US Patent PP19321 Forsythia plant named ‘Mindor’
US Patent PP19322 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Pin’
US Patent PP19323 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Ora’
US Patent PP19324 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Greli’
US Patent PP19325 Hypericum plant named ‘Esm Cho’
US Patent PP19327 Petunia plant named ‘Kerprilcomp’
US Patent PP19328 Alstroemeria plant named ‘Zapricia’
US Patent PP19329 Petunia plant named ‘Kerversalm’
US Patent PP19334 Cherry laurel plant named ‘Gajo’
US Patent PP19339 Argyranthemum plant named ‘Ohmadporm’
US Patent PP19344 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Dekringabonze’
US Patent PP19345 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Deklindipink’
US Patent PP19348 Argyranthemum plant named ‘Ohmadsaca’
US Patent PP19352 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Deksambupurple’
US Patent PP19353 Cialbrachoa plant named ‘Kirifu-24’
US Patent PP19354 Alstroemeria plant named ‘Tesrobin’
US Patent PP19361 Nemesia plant named ‘Kirine-34’
US Patent PP19363 Nectarine plant named ‘Honey May’
US Patent PP19366 Malva plant named ‘Blue Fountain’
US Patent PP19367 Panicum plant named ‘Prairie Fire’
US Patent PP19368 Miniature rose plant named ‘SAValode’
US Patent PP19370 Salix plant named ‘Golden Sunshine’
US Patent PP19375 Heuchera plant named ‘Georgia Peach’
US Patent PP19376 Gaura plant named ‘Walsnofou’
US Patent PP19382 Peach tree named ‘NJ350’
US Patent PP19383 Peach tree named ‘NJF17’
US Patent PP19390 Photinia plant named ‘Parsur’
US Patent PP19391 Diervilla plant named ‘LPDC Podaras’
US Patent PP19394 Photinia plant named ‘Parsub’
US Patent PP19395 Alstroemeria plant named ‘Zapridapal’
US Patent PP19399 Mandevilla plant named ‘Sunparaprero’
US Patent PP19400 Agastache plant named ‘AGA 104’
US Patent PP19401 Begoniaplant named ‘BEGO 538’
US Patent PP19407 Mandevilla plant named ‘Sunparavel’
US Patent PP19409 Pentas plant named ‘DPRP2’
US Patent PP19410 Pentas plant named ‘DPRG’
US Patent PP19411 Petunia plant named ‘Kumiyama 1 Gou’
US Patent PP19413 Helleborus plant named ‘Candy Love’
US Patent PP19415 Campsis plant named ‘Rutcam’
US Patent PP19416 Calibrachoa plant named ‘Sunbelsoil ’
US Patent PP19417 Cortaderia plant named ‘Amco’
US Patent PP19418 Ficus plant named ‘Amstel Green Gold’
US Patent PP19420 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Kistar Dark’
US Patent PP19429 Grapevine named ‘Cara Seedless’
US Patent 7446243 High herb, phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin yielding cultivar of
US Patent PP19430 Raspberry plant named ‘Georgia’
US Patent PP19431 New Guinea Impatiens plant named ‘KIE273’
US Patent PP19434 Cranberry plant named ‘CNJ97-105-4’
US Patent PP19439 Helleborus plant named ‘Walhero’
US Patent PP19440 Phormium plant named ‘Ruby Tuesday’
US Patent PP19443 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Lea’
US Patent PP19444 Agave plant named ‘Kara's Stripes’
US Patent PP19445 Impatiens plant named ‘Balfiebur’
US Patent PP19449 Aster plant named ‘Blue Diamond’
US Patent PP19462 Campanula plant named ‘PKMF02’
US Patent PP19468 Hypericum plant named ‘Seifire’
US Patent PP19469 Scented Geranium plant named ‘Frosted’
US Patent PP19470 Coreopsis plant named ‘Cranberry Ice’
US Patent PP19471 Hybrid Tea rose plant named ‘Meikatana’
US Patent 7453032 Double-type
US Patent PP19474 Cynodon dactylon plant named ‘Oz-E-Green’
US Patent PP19484 Shrub rose plant named ‘JACloose’
US Patent PP19485 Miniature rose plant named ‘JACdandy’
US Patent PP19489 Shrub rose named ‘JACzorba’
US Patent PP19490 Grandiflora rose plant named ‘Jaccolap’
US Patent PP19494 Echinacea plant named ‘Mount Hood’
US Patent PP19496 Gaura plant named ‘Star Pink’
US Patent PP19500 New Guinea Impatiens plant named ‘SAKIMP005’
US Patent PP19501 New Guinea impatiens plant named ‘Sakimp006’
US Patent PP19504 Poinsettia plant named ‘Ice Punch’
US Patent PP19505 Carnation plant named ‘Luxor’
US Patent PP19506 Geranium plant named ‘Melinda’
US Patent PP19507 Hosta plant named ‘Secret Ambition’
US Patent PP19508 Hosta plant named ‘Fragrant Queen’
US Patent PP19510 Floribunda rose plant named ‘Jacrepin’
US Patent PP19512 Variety of Raspberry plant named ‘Rafzaqu’
US Patent PP19513 Bracteantha plant named ‘Flobrasat’
US Patent PP19515 Scaevola plant named ‘Bonscablue’
US Patent PP19516 Scaevola plant named ‘Bonscalib’
US Patent PP19517 Bracteantha plant named ‘Flobraele’
US Patent PP19520 Scaevola plant named ‘Bonscawi’
US Patent PP19521 Fuchsia plant named ‘Sanifreho’
US Patent PP19522 Torenia plant named ‘Sunrenicobaio’
US Patent PP19523 Torenia plant named ‘Sunreniripin’
US Patent PP19525 Bracteantha plant named ‘Flobramam’
US Patent PP19526 Chrysocephalum plant named ‘FLOCHRDEF’
US Patent PP19531 Torenia plant named ‘Sunrenicoame’
US Patent PP19533 Geranium plant named ‘Sweet Heidy’
US Patent PP19538 Aster plant named ‘Vibrant Dome’
US Patent PP19539 Hosta plant named ‘Little Jay’
US Patent PP19541 Argyranthemum plant named ‘Bonmadpipa’
US Patent PP19542 Abutilon plant named ‘ABU001’
US Patent PP19543 Argyranthemum plant named ‘HH140’
US Patent PP19544 Pentas plant named ‘DPVG’
US Patent PP19546 Chrysocephalum plant named ‘Silsun’
US Patent PP19547 Hibiscus plant named ‘Antong Two’
US Patent PP19551 Floribunda rose plant named ‘JACorbet’
US Patent PP19552 Pear tree named ‘Lowry Red’
US Patent PP19553 Petunia plant named ‘Kumiyama 4’
US Patent PP19557 Hypericum plant named ‘Seigre’
US Patent PP19558 Phlox plant named ‘Sunphlotori’
US Patent PP19559 Helleborus plant named ‘Snow Love’
US Patent PP19562 Quince plant named ‘Eline’
US Patent PP19568 Fuchsia plant named ‘Sanifpirave’
US Patent PP19569 Nemesia plant named ‘Balarlilabi’
US Patent PP19571 Floribunda rose plant named ‘JACfrain’
US Patent PP19575 Orange tree named ‘Alvarina’
US Patent PP19579 Grapevine plant named ‘Marquette’
US Patent PP19596 Interspecific Prunus tree named ‘Honey Punch’
US Patent PP19608 Southern live oak tree named ‘Cannon-Sharp’
US Patent PP19609 Prunella Plant Named ‘Summer Daze’
US Patent PP19613 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Kaluna’
US Patent PP19614 Phlox plant named ‘Wesposky’
US Patent PP19617 Osteospermum plant named ‘Duetipichar’
US Patent PP19618 ×Cupressocyparis Plant Named ‘RECO’
US Patent PP19624 Polygonatum plant named ‘Double Stuff’
US Patent PP19626 Calibrachoa plant named ‘Filindura Pink’
US Patent PP19627 Clematis plant named ‘American Beauty’
US Patent PP19628 Erodium plant named ‘Freedom’
US Patent PP19639 Peach tree named ‘P.F. Big George’
US Patent PP19644 Begonia plant named ‘BEGO 539’
US Patent PP19649 Mandevilla plant named ‘Sunparapibra’
US Patent PP19650 Ozothamnus plant named ‘40-24’
US Patent PP19653 Begonia plant named ‘BEGO 520’
US Patent PP19672 Mandevilla plant named ‘Sunparabeni’
US Patent 7485462 Commercially viable process for in-vitro mass culture of
US Patent PP19701 Osteospermum plant named ‘DEL COM BW’
US Patent PP19702 Salvia plant names ‘Sal Cerv 07’
US Patent PP19710 Sweetpotato plant named ‘Evangeline’
US Patent PP19712 Aglaonema plant named ‘UF25712KL’
US Patent PP19713 Calibrachoa plant named ‘USCALI413-11’
US Patent PP19714 Aglaonema plant named ‘UFSB2’
US Patent PP19715 Petunia Plant Named ‘Narupetu Double Apple’
US Patent PP19716 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Deksnowflake’
US Patent PP19719 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Fasno Yellow’
US Patent PP19720 Hydrangea plant named ‘Agrihydratwee’
US Patent PP19722 Hydrangea Plant Named ‘Agrihydrazes’
US Patent PP19724 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Dekorlina’
US Patent PP19725 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Mona Lisa Sunny’
US Patent PP19726 Hydrangea plant named ‘Agrihydradrie’
US Patent PP19730 Hydrangea plant named ‘Agrihydraeen’
US Patent PP19731 Hydrangea Plant Named ‘Agrihydravijf’
US Patent PP19732 Begonia Plant Named ‘BBBON WIT’
US Patent PP19737 Hydrangea plant named ‘Agrihydrazeven’
US Patent PP19758 Live Oak tree named ‘FBQV22’
US Patent PP19759 Live oak tree named ‘FBQV1’
US Patent PP19761 Variety of Hydrangea plant named ‘Horpill’
US Patent PP19772 Nemesia plant named ‘NAKNEM003’
US Patent PP19774 Begonia Plant Named ‘BBOLY’
US Patent PP19794 Hydrangea Plant Named ‘Agrihydravier’
US Patent PP19800 Begonia plant named ‘BBTAM’
US Patent PP19801 Begonia plant named ‘BBVOLFU’
US Patent PP19802 Variety of Hydrangea plant named ‘Horsonn’
US Patent PP19805 Calibrachoa plant named ‘Filindura White’
US Patent PP19811 Celastrus Plant Named ‘Bailumn’
US Patent PP19814 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Grano Yellow’
US Patent PP19815 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Grano White’
US Patent PP19816 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Grano Red’
US Patent PP19823 Argyranthemum plant named ‘Sascot Whit’
US Patent 7502113 Automated seed sampler and methods of sampling, testing and bulking seeds
US Patent PP19828 Rosa Hybrida shrub named ‘AUSmerchant’
US Patent PP19830 Zantedeschia plant named ‘Snow white’
US Patent PP19832 Helianthemum plant named ‘Maxross’
US Patent PP19833 Stokesia plant named ‘Purple Pixie’
US Patent PP19837 Doritaenopsis plant named ‘SOGO F1016’
US Patent PP19838 Potentilla plant named ‘Yellow Sunrise’
US Patent PP19841 Astilbe plant named ‘Verspink’
US Patent PP19845 Astilbe plant named ‘Verswhite’
US Patent PP19846 Astilbe Plant Named ‘Verssalmon’
US Patent PP19847 Astilbe plant named ‘Verslilac’
US Patent PP19851 Brunnera Plant Named ‘Silver Lining’
US Patent PP19853 Nemesia Plant Named ‘NAKNEM001’
US Patent PP19859 Nemesia plant named ‘Naknem002’
US Patent PP19860 Salvia plant named ‘Blue Lips’
US Patent PP19867 Calla Lily Plant Named ‘Merlot BLZ’
US Patent PP19872 Hybrid Tea Rose Plant Named ‘WEKmoomar’
US Patent PP19875 Rosa Hybrida shrub named ‘AUSlofty’
US Patent PP19876 Rosa Hybrida shrub named ‘AUSbernard’
US Patent PP19883 Campanula Plant Named ‘Blue-Eyed Blonde’
US Patent PP19885 Dahlia plant named ‘Zone Ten’
US Patent PP19886 Doritaenopsis plant named ‘Sogo Linluo’
US Patent PP19892 Cornus plant named ‘Cato’
US Patent PP33702 None
US Patent PP33705 None
US Patent PP33713 None
US Patent PP33714 None
US Patent PP19900 Rose plant named ‘KORtifhar’
US Patent PP19901 Verbena plant named ‘Wesvercavio’
US Patent PP19902 Torenia plant named ‘danmoon 18’
US Patent PP19908 Allamanda plant named ‘Siam Snow’
US Patent PP19932 Coreopsis plant named ‘Coreopram’
US Patent PP19954 Miniature rose plant named ‘Meimarivon’
US Patent PP19963 Cordyline plant named ‘Paradise’
US Patent PP19964 Cordyline plant named ‘Coral’
US Patent PP19965 Epipremnum Plant Named ‘NJOY’
US Patent PP19969 Grandiflora rose plant named ‘BAInce’
US Patent PP19970 Hybrid Tea Rose Plant Named ‘Meitroni’
US Patent PP19972 Agapanthus Plant Named ‘Senna’
US Patent PP19978 Mango plant named ‘TFE 02’
US Patent PP19987 Kalanchoe plant named ‘Forever Midi Coral’
US Patent PP19990 Blueberry plant named ‘New Hanover’
US Patent PP20001 Impatiens plant named ‘Tisalmon’
US Patent PP20008 Cornus plant named ‘Tri-Splendor’
US Patent PP20010 Lomandra Plant Named ‘Seascape’
US Patent PP20011 Groundcover Rose Plant Named ‘TAN04999’
US Patent PP20013 Penstemon plant named ‘Dark Towers’
US Patent PP20022 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Dekallpure’
US Patent PP20024 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Dekfabrice’
US Patent PP20026 Heuchera plant named ‘Caroline’
US Patent PP20027 ‘Sweetcrisp’ southern highbush blueberry plant
US Patent PP20031 Geranium plant named ‘Fisum Dark Red’
US Patent PP20035 Doritaenopsis plant named ‘SOGO F1661’
US Patent PP20037 Argyranthemum plant named ‘Sas Pinka’
US Patent PP20041 Silene plant named ‘Firefly’
US Patent PP20046 Shrub rose plant name ‘JACpluco’
US Patent PP20047 Shrub rose plant named ‘JACmound’
US Patent PP20052 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Dekkicker’
US Patent PP20057 Apple tree named ‘Beller’
US Patent PP20081 Geranium plant named ‘Oglger13067’
US Patent PP20090 Hydrangea plant named ‘Inovalaur’
US Patent PP20096 Geranium plant named ‘Thumbling Hearts’
US Patent PP20099 Geranium Plant Named ‘Oglger11081’
US Patent PP20100 Geranium Plant Named ‘Oglger12055’
US Patent PP20102 Papaver super poppy hybrid plant ‘Heartbeat’
US Patent PP20106 Interspecific tree named ‘PLUMSWEET XII’
US Patent PP20107 Echinacea plant named ‘Conekim’
US Patent PP20156 Geranium plant named ‘Duevililav’
US Patent PP20157 Geranium plant named ‘Duesavlicha’
US Patent PP20160 Geranium Plant Named ‘Duesavpisiz’
US Patent PP20161 Geranium plant named ‘Duevihotpi’
US Patent PP20162 Geranium Plant Named ‘Dueblanko’
US Patent PP20163 Geranium plant named ‘Duesavlaspla’
US Patent PP20176 Hydrangea macrophylla plant named ‘PIIHM-1’
US Patent 7560611 Method and apparatus for substantially isolating plant tissues
US Patent PP20182 Peach tree named ‘Supechsiteen’
US Patent PP20198 Veronica plant named ‘Baby Blue’
US Patent PP20205 Vriesea plant named ‘Kiwi Cream’
US Patent PP20209 Thuja occidentalis tree named ‘American Pillar’
US Patent PP20224 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Frosty Yomistique’
US Patent PP20225 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Cool Yoigloo’
US Patent PP20228 Carex plant named ‘Ice Ballet’
US Patent PP20230 Poinsettia plant named ‘Floasatur’
US Patent PP20231 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Yovanna’
US Patent PP20239 Euonymus Plant Named ‘Markie’
US Patent PP20244 Shrub rose plant named ‘Radliv’
US Patent PP20245 None
US Patent PP20249 Phormium tenax Plant Named ‘PHOS2’
US Patent PP20251 Chrysanthemum Plant Named ‘Frosty Yoigloo’
US Patent PP20261 Aster plant named ‘Yohazy’
US Patent PP20262 Kalanchoe Plant Named ‘Patrice’
US Patent PP20263 Alternanthera plant named ‘Mai Tai’
US Patent PP20265 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Yellow Yocupertino’
US Patent PP20267 Thuja plant named ‘Daniellow’
US Patent PP20270 Osteospermum Plant Named ‘Balserilla’
US Patent PP20271 None
US Patent PP20278 None
US Patent PP20279 Lily plant named ‘BJM 001’
US Patent PP20286 Rudbeckia plant named ‘Early Bird Gold’
US Patent PP20288 Aster Plant Named ‘Yodays’
US Patent PP20296 Geranium plant named ‘Ballurpico’
US Patent PP20297 Osteospermum plant named ‘Balserpinkim’
US Patent PP20301 Dianthus plant named ‘Red Beauty’
US Patent PP20304 Nemesia plant named ‘Balarwitim’
US Patent PP20305 Sutera plant named ‘Balabpink’
US Patent PP20306 Osteospermum plant named ‘Balserdarp’
US Patent PP20307 Strawberry plant named ‘MARVEL’
US Patent PP20308 Strawberry plant named ‘GLORY’
US Patent PP20309 Strawberry plant named ‘Premier’
US Patent PP20311 None
US Patent PP20316 None
US Patent PP20320 Eupatorium plant named ‘Baby Joe’
US Patent PP20322 Dicentra plant named ‘Spring Magic’
US Patent PP20323 Dianthus plant named ‘Heart's Desire’
US Patent PP20324 Astilbe Plant Named ‘Verscarmine’
US Patent PP20325 Variety of rose plant named ‘Pejamblu’
US Patent PP20326 Gaura plant named ‘Baltincite’
US Patent PP20335 Phormium Plant Named ‘Taya’
US Patent PP20349 Lobelia plant named ‘Wespurstar’
US Patent PP20350 Eucomis plant named ‘EXC 051’
US Patent PP20358 None
US Patent PP20360 None
US Patent PP20375 Vriesea plant named ‘Kiwi Dusk’
US Patent PP20386 None
US Patent PP20406 Geranium plant named ‘Fidanol Red’
US Patent PP20414 Hibiscus plant named ‘Scarlet Loke’
US Patent PP20415 Hibiscus plant named ‘Red Nalu’
US Patent PP20416 Hibiscus plant named ‘Pink Kai’
US Patent PP20417 Hibiscus plant named ‘Pipedream Tangerine’
US Patent PP20424 Hibiscus plant named ‘Lillikoi Yellow’
US Patent PP20428 Grape plant named ‘Improved Chancellor’
US Patent PP20435 Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Yogigi White’
US Patent PP20438 None
US Patent PP20450 Floribunda rose plant named ‘MORabundant’
US Patent PP20453 None
US Patent PP20455 None
US Patent PP20456 None
US Patent PP20457 None
US Patent 7611842 Automated seed sampler and methods of sampling, testing and bulking seeds
US Patent PP20464 None
US Patent PP20474 None
US Patent PP20476 None
US Patent PP20483 None
US Patent PP20485 None
US Patent PP20490 None
US Patent PP20491 Grapevine plant named ‘Sugrathirtyfive’
US Patent PP20493 Variety of
US Patent PP20497 None
US Patent PP20502 None
US Patent PP20521 None
US Patent PP20535 None
US Patent PP20550 Nuttall Oak Tree Named ‘QNMTF’
US Patent PP20568 None
US Patent PP20569 None
US Patent PP20576 None
US Patent PP20593 None
US Patent PP20596 None
US Patent PP20597 None
US Patent PP20598 None
US Patent PP20599 None
US Patent PP20603 None
US Patent PP20606 None
US Patent PP20607 None
US Patent PP20616 None
US Patent PP20618 None
US Patent PP20619 None
US Patent PP20621 Floribunda rose plant having large flowers and named ‘TAN01360’
US Patent PP20625 None
US Patent PP20627 None
US Patent PP20635 Shrub Rose plant named ‘Meisentmil’
US Patent PP20636 None
US Patent PP20637 None
US Patent PP20639 Peach tree named ‘Sauzee Pride’
US Patent PP20648 Strawberry plant named ‘DONNA’
US Patent PP20652 None
US Patent PP20654 None
US Patent PP20655 None
US Patent PP20663 None
US Patent PP20664 None
US Patent PP20667 None
US Patent PP20668 None
US Patent PP20673 None
US Patent PP20676 None
US Patent PP20677 None
US Patent PP20679 None
US Patent PP20685 None
US Patent PP20690 None
US Patent PP20691 None
US Patent PP20692 None
US Patent PP20697 None
US Patent PP20698 None
US Patent PP20708 New Guinea
US Patent PP20711 Grandiflora Rose plant named ‘Meiroylear’
US Patent PP20712 Miniature rose plant named ‘Meihandica’
US Patent PP20716 None
US Patent PP20717 None
US Patent PP20718 None
US Patent PP20724 None
US Patent PP20725 None
US Patent PP20736 None
US Patent 7658033 Method and apparatus for preparation of genetically transformable plant tissue
US Patent PP20752 Cherry tree named ‘Maddison’
US Patent PP20755 None
US Patent PP20765 None
US Patent PP20768 None
US Patent PP20769 Raspberry plant named ‘Autumn Treasure’
US Patent PP20774 None
US Patent PP20776 None
US Patent PP20779 Miniature rose plant named ‘Meiludoca’
US Patent PP20783 None
US Patent PP20785 None
US Patent PP20805 None
US Patent PP20813 None
US Patent PP20814 Shrub rose plant named ‘Darpellerin’
US Patent PP20827 None
US Patent PP20839 None
US Patent PP20840 None
US Patent PP20841 Raspberry plant named ‘Erika’
US Patent PP20880 None
US Patent PP20881 None
US Patent PP20884 None
US Patent PP20885 Pineapple plant named ‘Dole-14’
US Patent PP20889 Grapevine plant named ‘Zinthiana’
US Patent PP20894 None
US Patent PP20902 None
US Patent 7685767 Automated system and method for harvesting and multi-stage screening of plant embryos
US Patent PP20913 Grapevine plant named ‘Crimson Cabernet’
US Patent PP20914 Grapevine plant named ‘Cabernet Diane’
US Patent PP20915 Grapevine plant named ‘Cabernet Dore’
US Patent PP20917 None
US Patent PP20929 None
US Patent PP20935 None
US Patent 7694457 Method and apparatus for preparation of genetically transformable plant tissue
US Patent PP20943 None
US Patent PP20948 None
US Patent PP20949 None
US Patent PP20952 None
US Patent PP20958 Poinsettia plant named ‘Fismirwhi’
US Patent PP20959 New Guinea
US Patent PP20965 New Guinea
US Patent PP20969 Poinsettia plant named ‘NPCW08119’
US Patent 7703238 Methods of seed breeding using high throughput nondestructive seed sampling
US Patent PP20971 New Guinea
US Patent PP20972 Plum Tree name ‘Fallette’
US Patent PP20975 Variety of
US Patent PP20976 None
US Patent PP20979 None
US Patent PP20980 None
US Patent PP20982 None
US Patent PP20983 New Guinea
US Patent PP20984 New Guinea
US Patent PP20986 Miniature rose plant named ‘KORzanaby’
US Patent PP20989 None
US Patent PP20990 None
US Patent PP20991 None
US Patent PP20993 None
US Patent PP20998 None
US Patent PP21002 None
US Patent PP21008 None
US Patent PP21009 None
US Patent PP21018 None
US Patent PP21020 None
US Patent PP21023 None
US Patent PP21029 Mini shrub rose plant named ‘Meisilimond’
US Patent PP21033 None
US Patent PP21034 None
US Patent PP21044 None
US Patent PP21046 None
US Patent PP21047 None
US Patent PP21051 Interspecific tree named ‘Plumred VI’
US Patent PP21052 None
US Patent PP21055 None
US Patent PP21056 None
US Patent PP21060 None
US Patent PP21062 None
US Patent PP21065 None
US Patent PP21066 Male
US Patent PP21069 None
US Patent PP21073 Cherry tree named ‘PC7903-2’
US Patent PP21074 Raspberry plant named ‘Pacific Deluxe’
US Patent PP21075 Grapevine plant named ‘Roma Seedless’
US Patent PP21078 None
US Patent PP21081 None
US Patent PP21098 None
US Patent PP21119 None
US Patent PP21120 None
US Patent PP21124 None
US Patent PP21128 None
US Patent PP21129 None
US Patent PP21131 None
US Patent PP21148 None
US Patent PP21151 None
US Patent PP21152 None
US Patent PP21163 None
US Patent PP21164 None
US Patent PP21165 None
US Patent PP21170 Male
US Patent PP21178 Anigozanthos hybrid plant named ‘Gold Velvet’
US Patent PP21183 None
US Patent 7767883 Automated seed sampler and methods of sampling, testing and bulking seeds
US Patent PP21188 None
US Patent PP21189 None
US Patent PP21202 None
US Patent PP21205 None
US Patent PP21216 None
US Patent PP21228 Orchid plant
US Patent PP21262 None
US Patent PP21263 None
US Patent PP21272 Apple tree named ‘RGLORS’
US Patent PP21283 Mini-flora rose plant named ‘BENswise’
US Patent PP21296 None
US Patent PP21303 None
US Patent PP21307 None
US Patent PP21308 Aster plant named ‘Kiastgrana’
US Patent PP21315 Apple tree named ‘Jugala’
US Patent PP21324 None
US Patent PP21325 None
US Patent PP21326 None
US Patent PP21327 None
US Patent PP21350 Variety of
US Patent PP21353 None
US Patent PP21355 Grandiflora rose plant named ‘Meikarady’
US Patent PP21356 Mandarin tree named ‘LB8-9’
US Patent PP21358 Nematode resistant grapevine rootstock plant ‘9365-85’
US Patent PP21361 Carnation plant named ‘CFPC Chantilly’
US Patent PP21362 Carnation plant named ‘CFPC Adele’
US Patent PP21363 Carnation plant named ‘CFPC Miso’
US Patent PP21364 Carnation plant named ‘CFPC Pink Tess’
US Patent PP21365 Carnation plant named ‘CFPC Cheerful’
US Patent PP21371 None
US Patent PP21380 Strawberry plant named ‘Sweet Eve’
US Patent PP21381 Strawberry plant named ‘Eves Delight’
US Patent PP21383 None
US Patent PP21391 None
US Patent PP21401 None
US Patent PP21416 None
US Patent PP21417 Indian hawthorn plant named ‘Fiesta’
US Patent PP21422 None
US Patent PP21423 None
US Patent PP21426 None
US Patent PP21433 Juniper plant named ‘JAP08’
US Patent 7823324 Indoor greenhouse
US Patent PP21459 Variety of
US Patent PP21461 None
US Patent PP21462 None
US Patent 7830516 Automated seed sampler and methods of sampling, testing and bulking seeds
US Patent PP21480 None
US Patent PP21481 None
US Patent PP21495 None
US Patent PP21505 None
US Patent 7832143 High throughput methods for sampling seeds
US Patent PP21510 Hybrid Tea rose plant named ‘Delgramau’
US Patent PP21516 None
US Patent PP21523 None
US Patent PP21529 Shrub rose plant named ‘KORparofe’
US Patent PP21530 Hybrid Tea rose plant named ‘Delgrarose’
US Patent PP21534 Pear tree named ‘Roksolana’
US Patent PP21536 Raspberry plant named ‘Pacific Royale’
US Patent PP21537 Grapevine named ‘Catena Malbec Clone 14’
US Patent PP21544 None
US Patent PP21545 None
US Patent PP21547 None
US Patent PP21548 None
US Patent PP21555 Apple tree named ‘PLFOG99’
US Patent PP21556 Plum almond tree named ‘PAC 941’
US Patent PP21557 Plum tree named ‘Black Garabedian’
US Patent PP21564 None
US Patent 7847150 Method for breeding double-type
US Patent PP21566 Variety of peach-almond tree named ‘Nanopac’
US Patent PP21571 None
US Patent PP21575 Mushroom plant named ‘Grifon 120’
US Patent PP21576 None
US Patent PP21577 Hybrid tea rose plant named ‘ORAclelon’
US Patent PP21579 Tangerine tree named ‘Parga No. 2’
US Patent PP21582 None
US Patent PP21583 None
US Patent PP21585 Coleus plant named ‘UF0646’
US Patent 7855325 Use of nitric oxide modulators in
US Patent PP21598 None
US Patent PP21599 None
US Patent PP21602 Coleus plant named ‘UF06419’
US Patent PP21603 St. Augustinegrass plant named ‘MSA-31’
US Patent PP21605 Floribunda rose plant named ‘WEKmongros’
US Patent PP21606 Apple tree named ‘PLBAR B1’
US Patent PP21619 None
US Patent PP21624 None
US Patent PP21627 None
US Patent PP21628 None
US Patent PP21629 None
US Patent PP21630 None
US Patent PP21634 None
US Patent PP21649 None
US Patent PP21655 None
US Patent PP21656 None
US Patent PP21657 None
US Patent PP21658 None
US Patent PP21659 None
US Patent PP21660 None
US Patent PP21668 None
US Patent PP21670 None
US Patent PP21675 None
US Patent PP21682 None
US Patent PP21695 None
US Patent PP21710 Apple tree named ‘WA 2’
US Patent PP21711 Katsura tree named ‘Biringer’
US Patent PP21724 Nectarine tree named ‘Burnecttwentyfour’
US Patent PP21730 None
US Patent PP21734 None
US Patent PP21737 Peach tree named ‘Burpeachtwentyfour’
US Patent PP21759 None
US Patent PP21770 None
US Patent PP21777 Blueberry plant denominated ‘Huron’
US Patent PP21779 Variety of
US Patent 7905050 Automated high-throughput seed sample handling system and method
US Patent PP21796 Variety of
US Patent PP21812 None
US Patent PP21821 None
US Patent PP21844 None
US Patent PP21856 None
US Patent PP21857 None
US Patent PP21858 None
US Patent PP21859 None
US Patent PP21860 None
US Patent PP21861 None
US Patent PP21870 None
US Patent PP21871 None
US Patent PP21872 None
US Patent 7923601 Cultivation method of flowering plant, flowering plant obtained by the cultivation method, processing method of cut flower and cut flower obtained by the processing method
US Patent PP21873 None
US Patent PP21880 None
US Patent PP21885 None
US Patent 7934340 Method and apparatus for the scheduled production of plant extracts
US Patent PP21913 None
US Patent PP21914 None
US Patent PP21916 None
US Patent 7937889 Green garlic and methods of production
US Patent 7937890 Method and apparatus for substantially isolating plant tissues
US Patent 7939325 Method and apparatus for substantially isolating plant tissues
US Patent PP21920 None
US Patent PP21921 None
US Patent PP21923 None
US Patent 7941969 Methods of seed breeding using high throughput nondestructive seed sampling
US Patent PP21930 None
US Patent 7947869 Methods for inducing cotton embryogenic callus
US Patent PP21939 None
US Patent PP21942 Variety of
US Patent PP21944 None
US Patent PP21950 None
US Patent PP21951 None
US Patent PP21952 None
US Patent PP21953 None
US Patent PP21968 None
US Patent PP21969 None
US Patent PP21970 None
US Patent PP21972 None
US Patent PP21982 None
US Patent PP21984 None
US Patent PP21985 None
US Patent PP21993 None
US Patent PP21994 None
US Patent PP21996 None
US Patent PP21998 None
US Patent PP21999 None
US Patent PP22014 Zoysiagrass plant ‘A-1’
US Patent PP22015 None
US Patent 7973215 Method for the introduction of a heterologous polynucleotide into a mushroom
US Patent PP22025 None
US Patent PP22028 None
US Patent PP22029 None
US Patent 7975428 Indoor greenhouse
US Patent PP22035 Poinsettia plant named ‘SYEP22432’
US Patent PP22045 None
US Patent PP22046 None
US Patent PP22051 None
US Patent PP22052 None
US Patent PP22063 None
US Patent PP22064 None
US Patent PP22070 None
US Patent PP22072 None
US Patent PP22083 None
US Patent PP22084 None
US Patent 7997026 Perishable-fruit-bearing cut-limb preservation and distribution method, coating and shipping container therefor
US Patent PP22091 None
US Patent PP22092 None
US Patent PP22099 None
US Patent PP22101 Forage bermudagrass plant named ‘GOODWELL’
US Patent PP22102 None
US Patent PP22115 None
US Patent PP22126 None
US Patent PP22128 None
US Patent PP22133 None
US Patent PP22134 None
US Patent PP22136 None
US Patent 8011133 Method and apparatus of high-throughput pollen extraction, counting, and use of counted pollen for characterizing a plant
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US Patent 8011133 Method and apparatus of high-throughput pollen extraction, counting, and use of counted pollen for characterizing a plant
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US Patent PP22136 None
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US Patent PP22134 None
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US Patent PP22133 None
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US Patent PP22126 None
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US Patent PP22128 None
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US Patent PP22102 None
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US Patent PP22101 Forage bermudagrass plant named ‘GOODWELL’
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US Patent PP22099 None
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US Patent PP22092 None
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US Patent PP22091 None
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US Patent 7997026 Perishable-fruit-bearing cut-limb preservation and distribution method, coating and shipping container therefor
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US Patent PP22084 None
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US Patent PP22083 None
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US Patent PP22063 None
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US Patent PP22072 None
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