Kindred AI is a company founded in 2014 by George Babu, Geordie Rose, James Bergstra and Suzanne Gildert.
SenseAct was introduced in September 2018 as an open-source task suite, used to develop and evaluate reinforcement learning methods with physical robots. The interface is aimed to enable responsive learned behavior and reliable learning in a variety of robots including UR Robotic Arms, Dyamixels Servos and Create 2 Mobile Bases.
AutoGrasp is Kindred's robotics intelligence platform, which utilizes AI algorithms to combine vision, grasping and manipulation functions in robots. The platform allows real-time machine learning in unstructured environments that include changing variables, making it useful in fulfillment and sorting centers.
SORT is an autonomous learning machine marketed towards retail fulfillment centers, that combines physical sorting robots with integration consulting and remote piloting services to manage, sort and move products. SORT uses machine learningmachine learning algorithms to learn from previous management systems to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity.