Person attributes
Korotkov Andrei Danilovich (October 17, 1899, Kondinsky, Perm province - February 4, 1944, Golodki, Kiev region) - Soviet military leader, commander of the 38th Infantry Division, colonel (1943).
Andrei Korotkov was born on October 17, 1899 into a peasant family in the village of Kondinsky, Kondinsky volost, Shadrinsky district, Perm province, now the village is part of the Shatrovsky municipal district of the Kurgan region. Russian.
In 1911 he graduated from the 3 groups of the parochial school (6 classes). From 1918 to 1919 he served as a private in the Russian army of Admiral A. V. Kolchak.
He began his service in the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army as a Red Army soldier on the Eastern Front, in the 3rd Fortress Regiment in August 1919, drafted by the Mekhon RVC. Then, until December 1919, there was an assistant platoon commander. Member of the Civil War in 1919-1920: on the Eastern Front against the army of A. V. Kolchak in 1919, then to eliminate banditry in Ukraine, mainly the Makhno gang in 1920-1921.
In 1919 he joined the RCP(b), in 1925 the party was renamed the VKP(b). Since 1920 - the commander of a platoon of the 185th separate brigade of the Eastern Front, and then the Kharkov Military District. In 1921 he graduated from the school of political instructors at the 11th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. From March to April 1921 - political instructor of the 552nd Infantry Regiment of the 11th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. From April to August 1921 - political instructor of the 62nd Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. From August 1921 to July 1922 - political instructor of the 60th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. From July 1922 to September 1925 - political instructor of the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District, from March 1923 - of the Ukrainian Military District. In 1926 he graduated from the second department of the middle command staff of the Kiev Infantry School. From August 1926 to October 1927 - political instructor of the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District. From October 1927 to December 1928 he was a company commander of the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District. From December 1928 to December 1929 - Executive Secretary of the Party Bureau of the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District. In October 1931, he was a company commander of the 285th Infantry Regiment of the 95th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District. From October 1931 to January 1934 - commander of the training company of the 30th separate machine-gun battalion of the Kiev military district. From January 1934 to March 1935 - commander of the 14th separate machine gun company of the 32nd fortified region of the Kiev military district. From March 1935 to September 1936 - commander of the 30th separate machine-gun battalion of the 52nd fortified region of the Kiev military district. In 1936, he was expelled from the party for concealing his social origin, and was reinstated. From June 1937 to May 28, 1939 - battalion commander of the 45th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. In 1938 he was promoted to the rank of major. In 1940 he was a battalion commander of the Proskurov Rifle and Machine Gun School. In 1940 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.