Town in Moscow Oblast, Krasnogorsk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia.Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure
Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure[3]; within the framework of the administrative-territorial structure of the region, it is a city of regional subordination with an administrative territory (until April 2017-the centerKrasnogorskcenter Krasnogorsk district).
The creation of an administrative center on the territory of Krasnogorsk is in the process of implementationMoscowimplementation Moscow region[9]: on the outskirts of the city, near the villageMyakininovillage inMyakininskayaMyakinino in Myakininskaya floodplain, near the Moscow Ring Road.MoscowRoad. Moscow Region Government House and buildingMoscow Regional Court, construction of a new building is underway forOffor Of the Moscow Regional Duma. The first station in the Moscow region is also located thereMoscow Metro — "Myakinino".
The city is located on the Moskva River and its tributary the riverBankeriver Banke, 22 km from the centerMoscowcenter Moscow (2 km from MKAD), directly adjacent to Moscow from the north-west.
The city of Krasnogorsk is located in the central part of the Moscow region, closely adjacent from the north-west to the capital of Russia (districtsPokrovskoe-Streshnevodistricts Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo, Mitino andStroginoand Strogino), on the left bank of the riverMoscowriver Moscow (the city is partially intersected by its left tributary, the riverBathhouseriver Bathhouse). The area of the city is 2565 ha.
The city of Krasnogorsk, as well as the wholeThewhole The Moscow region is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as the Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time UTC is +3: 00 (MSD).
The locality lies on the spursOnspurs On the Smolensk-Moscow upland, the terrain gradually descends from the north-west of the city to the south and south-east, lying in the floodplain of the Moscow River. Gully erosion processes are common. Absolute elevation marks are in the region of 190-220 meters.
Pond in the manor parkZnamenskoye-Gubaylovopark Znamenskoye-Gubaylovo
With the beginningDuringbeginning During the Great Patriotic War, a people's militia battalion, a fighter battalion, and labor detachments were formed in Krasnogorsk, working on the construction of fortifications on the outskirts of Moscow[21]. At the beginning of the winter of 1941, heavy fighting took place a few kilometers from the outskirts of the city — near the villages of Kozino and Nefedyevo[28]. After the enemy was driven back, in February 1942, a revival of production began in the buildings of the evacuated optical plant[21].
After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, a Special prisoner-of-war camp (UPVI NKVD of the USSR No. 27) was organized in Krasnogorsk, which contained German, Romanian, and Japanese prisoners of war [29], among whom were Field MarshalPaulusMarshal Paulus, an Austrian physician, later a well-known scientist and laureateThelaureate The Nobel Prize Konrad Lorenz. Prisoners of war (in total, about 50 thousand people passed through the camp) were used in the construction of Krasnogorsk and Moscow, as well as for work at surrounding enterprises[29]. In July 1943, the founding conference of anti-fascists from the Soviet Union was held in the optical factory club. "Free Germany" (NCSG). Many of the prisoners of war, activists of the NKSG, graduated from the Central Anti-fascist School in Krasnogorsk, which was transferred to the city fromGorkyfrom Gorky region in the spring of 1943. Since 1985, the Memorial Museum of German Anti-Fascists has been located in the building of the Central Anti-Fascist School.
In early 1945, a section of the Riga-bound railway was electrifiedMoscow-Rizhskayaelectrified Moscow-Rizhskaya — Nakhabino, an electric depot has been built in Nakhabino. March 5, 1945 via the stationPavshinostation Pavshino passed the first electric train[24].
2004 On October 28 Krasnogorsk was incorporated as a dacha villageOpalikhavillage Opalikha, as well as the village of Novo-Nikolskoye, the village of a Weaving factory, the village of Anikeyevka, Gorenosovo andAninoand Anino.
In the course of municipal reform, the law of the Moscow Region No. 70/2005-OZ of 28.02.2005 established an independent municipality on the territory of the city — the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk, which includes villages in addition to the cityGolevocity Golevo andIvanovskoye, as well as adjacent territories, the total area of the settlement was 6635 hectares[34]. Not included in the city limits, but attached to the settlement of eastern territoriesMyakininskaya floodplain forMoskvafor Moskva River, where you are locatedMoscowlocated Moscow Region Government House, Moscow Regional Court Building, shopping centerCrocus City, as well as the metro stationMyakininostation Myakinino.
This term has other meanings, seeKrasnogorsksee Krasnogorsk (values).
Town in Moscow Oblast, Russia
Town in Moscow Oblast, Krasnogorsk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia.Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure
This term has other meanings, seeKrasnogorsk (values).
Krasnogorsk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia.
Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure[3]; within the framework of the administrative-territorial structure of the region, it is a city of regional subordination with an administrative territory (until April 2017-the centerKrasnogorsk district).
The population in the city is 175,812 people (2021), in the united urban district, according to the district administration, in 2017 it was 317 thousand people, officially in 2019-263,143 people, as of January 1, 2020 — 270,504 people[8].
The creation of an administrative center on the territory of Krasnogorsk is in the process of implementationMoscow region[9]: on the outskirts of the city, near the villageMyakinino inMyakininskaya floodplain, near the Moscow Ring Road.Moscow Region Government House and buildingMoscow Regional Court, construction of a new building is underway forOf the Moscow Regional Duma. The first station in the Moscow region is also located thereMoscow Metro — "Myakinino".
The city is located on the Moskva River and its tributary the riverBanke, 22 km from the centerMoscow (2 km from MKAD), directly adjacent to Moscow from the north-west.
The acting head of the city district is Vsevolod Valeryevich Volosevich.
City District Day Krasnogorsk is traditionally celebrated in early September.
Physical and geographical characteristics
The city of Krasnogorsk is located in the central part of the Moscow region, closely adjacent from the north-west to the capital of Russia (districtsPokrovskoe-Streshnevo, Mitino andStrogino), on the left bank of the riverMoscow (the city is partially intersected by its left tributary, the riverBathhouse). The area of the city is 2565 ha.
The city of Krasnogorsk, as well as the wholeThe Moscow region is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as the Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time UTC is +3: 00 (MSD).
The locality lies on the spursOn the Smolensk-Moscow upland, the terrain gradually descends from the north-west of the city to the south and south-east, lying in the floodplain of the Moscow River. Gully erosion processes are common. Absolute elevation marks are in the region of 190-220 meters.
The section of the city's territory, as well as the entire district, is formed by Jurassic clays that protect aquifers. The presence of large underground water reserves related toIt was possible to organize reliable water supply to the city from Artesian sources in the Moscow Artesian basin, and confined to rocks of Paleozoic age, to deposits of the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems[13].
The city's climate is moderately continental (characterized by moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers), and is generally identical to that of Moscow. The average long-term annual precipitation is 598 mm, with the maximum occurring in summer. The average annual air temperature is 4.5 °C, and the average wind speed is 2.4 m / s[13].
In the region where Krasnogorsk is located, sod-podzolic loamy soils of varying degrees of washout are common, which are characterized by an acidic reaction. The humus content in the soils is average. In the city, the soils are subject to significant anthropogenic significance; in the surrounding area, waterlogging rates are high[13].
Pond in the manor parkZnamenskoye-Gubaylovo
Krasnogorsk is located within the Moscow forest park belt. The city is quite densely surrounded by forests, mostly mixed, with individual areas of coniferous trees. The species composition of forest stands is mainly represented by spruce, birch, aspen. Treeless areas are highly urbanized[13].
Ecology and nature protection
The ecological situation in the city, despite its favorable location relative to Moscow (taking into account the prevailing north-westerly winds), is deteriorating at the beginning of the XXI century. The greatest concern is caused by air pollution, and although in most cases the standards are not exceeded, local areas of increased pollution are observed near transport highways and industrial facilities[13]. According to the independent environmental assessment "Ecostandart", in 2006 Krasnogorsk was included, along withBalashikha, Khimki, Lyubertsy, Kashira, Resurrection andPodolsk, one of the seven cities near Moscow with the highest air pollution[14].
In the vicinity of the city, relatively high forest loss is highlighted among the most important environmental aspects (and the anthropological factor here is only in third place among the causes: the main ones are adverse weather conditions, as well as pests and diseases). There is some contamination of underground water (there are cases of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration for manganese, lead, cadmium and ammonia). Radiation pollution of the atmosphere in Krasnogorsk-at the level of background values (9-17 microns/hour)[13].
On the territory of Krasnogorsk, near the Volokolamsk highway, there is a natural monument (a specially protected natural area of regional significance) — a long-lived oak tree with an age of about 250 years[15].
The first coat of arms of Krasnogorsk was approved on September 29, 1992; its authors were Valery Rappoport and artist Yulia Fedorova. The coat of arms was a shield divided horizontally into two parts. In the upper red field of the coat of arms, a rider on a silver-colored horse was depicted stabbing a golden dragon with green wings with a spear. In the lower field of azure color, a white column was depicted, flanked by six green trees with golden trunks, and above the column-two silver lenses emitting golden rays. The shield is framed by oak branches with green leaves and golden ones.acorns intertwined with a ribbon repeating the colors of the national flag of the Russian Federation[16].
On August 22, 2007, by the decision of the Krasnogorsk Council of People's Deputies, the coat of arms and flag of the Krasnogorsk urban settlement were approved. On January 23, 2008, the regulations on official symbols of the Krasnogorsk urban settlement were approved. The coat of arms and flag were added toThe State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation, respectively, for No. 3611 and No. 3612[17]. In the lower part of the coat of arms, a red trekhgorye is depicted, reflecting the name of the city. The azure part of the coat of arms indicates that Krasnogorsk is one of the most environmentally friendly cities. Skewing the field tothe heraldic shield symbolizes the main transport highway of the city, Volokolamsk Highway, and the prism with a refracting light beam is the brand name of the main enterprise of the city, JSC "City of Volokolamsk".Krasnogorsk Plant named after S. A. Zverev", which produces optical equipment. In the upper right corner of the coat of arms is placed a red quadrilateral with reproduced figures from the coat of arms of the Moscow region. The authors of the coat of arms are Viktor Kruglikov, Nikolai Khatkevich, Viktor Poyarkov, and Galina Tunik.
The flag of the urban settlement as a whole repeats the design of the coat of arms, on its panel there are red trekhgorye, white and azure parts, as well as a symbolic image of the Volokolamsk Highway, as well as the emblem of the Krasnogorsk plant.
History of the city
Krasnogorsk is a young city: there were several settlements and villages on the site of the city at the beginning of the XX centuryKhoroshevskaya Volost Moskovsky uyezd Moscow province: Banki, Pavshino, Chernevo, Znamenskoye-Gubailovo and others. At the same time, archaeological finds on the territory of the Krasnogorsk district indicate that these lands were inhabited many millennia ago; on the lands of the current city, ancient mounds rose not so long ago[21].
The first mention of the Pavshinsky palace patrimony was in 1462 in the prince's willVasily the Dark. During the time of troubles, the palace lands were ravaged by interventionists. In the XVII—XVIII centuries, a manor was built here "Znamenskoye-Gubaylovo", which belonged first to the Volyn family, and then to the PrinceDolgoruky-Krymsky[22]. In 1821 and 1866, two stone churches were built in Pavshino.
Since the second half of the XIX century, industrial manufactories (a dye factory, factories for the production of acid, textiles, etc.) began to appear on the territory of the present city, and in 1850 the factory village of Banki was founded[23]. The estate "Znamenskoe-Gubailovo" in the second half of the XIX century passed into the hands of textile manufacturers Polyakov, one of whom was S. A. Polyakov, patron of the arts, publisher of the magazine "Znamenskoe-Gubailovo".Libra and Publishing HousesScorpio"[21]. Well-known symbolist poets have repeatedly visited the Polyakov estate, as well as their dacha Lisy Gory (located on a hill near the Banka River).Konstantin Balmont), writers, philosophers.
In the second half of the XIX century, the direction and name of the former Bolshaya Voskresenskaya Road changed, which passed not through Penyagino, but next to Pavshino and then through Gubailovo (that is, through the territory of present-day Krasnogorsk) and was renamed Volokolamsk. In 1901 it passed through PavshinoMoscow-Vindavskaya railway, but the station here appeared only a few years later, and in 1908 the station was built (in 1996 the building was demolished)[24].
After 1917
After the October Revolution, the Polyakov enterprises, as well as other surrounding manufactories, were nationalized. The weaving and dyeing industries of the town of Banka fell into disrepair, until in 1923 they were completely closed, and workers were sent to Moscow to the Krasnokholmsky manufactory and the dye factory in Moscow.Rostokino[21]. In 1922, the village of Pavshino received the status of an urban-type settlement, which also included the village of Banki and usadbaZnamenskoye-Gubaylovo, but after the relocation of enterprises, the population of the village greatly decreased[25].
Construction of the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant
May demonstration in the village of Banki
In 1926-1927, the Podolsk Mechanical Plant was transferred to Banki (originally it was founded in 1905 in Riga as a branch of a German optical companyCarl Zeiss)[21]. In 1931, the master plan for the construction of the largest optical plant in the USSR and the city of Optikogorsk was approved, but this name was soon abandoned.
On April 10, 1932, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided "To transform the settlement of Banki, Skhodnensky district, into a working settlement, giving it the name Krasnogorsk" [26].
Krasnogorsk included the village of Krasnaya Gorka and the village of Pavshino[27]. In September of the same year, a decision was made to create the Krasnogorsky district[21]. In the same year, 1932, the Standard Concrete plant was built here, which supplied large-sized concrete structures for the construction of the optical plant, the Moscow Canal, and the Moscow Metro[27].
1940 October 7 By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the working village of Krasnogorsk was transformed into a city[23]. At that time, the population of Krasnogorsk was about 20 thousand people[21].
The Great Patriotic War
With the beginningDuring the Great Patriotic War, a people's militia battalion, a fighter battalion, and labor detachments were formed in Krasnogorsk, working on the construction of fortifications on the outskirts of Moscow[21]. At the beginning of the winter of 1941, heavy fighting took place a few kilometers from the outskirts of the city — near the villages of Kozino and Nefedyevo[28]. After the enemy was driven back, in February 1942, a revival of production began in the buildings of the evacuated optical plant[21].
After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, a Special prisoner-of-war camp (UPVI NKVD of the USSR No. 27) was organized in Krasnogorsk, which contained German, Romanian, and Japanese prisoners of war [29], among whom were Field MarshalPaulus, an Austrian physician, later a well-known scientist and laureateThe Nobel Prize Konrad Lorenz. Prisoners of war (in total, about 50 thousand people passed through the camp) were used in the construction of Krasnogorsk and Moscow, as well as for work at surrounding enterprises[29]. In July 1943, the founding conference of anti-fascists from the Soviet Union was held in the optical factory club."Free Germany" (NCSG). Many of the prisoners of war, activists of the NKSG, graduated from the Central Anti-fascist School in Krasnogorsk, which was transferred to the city fromGorky region in the spring of 1943. Since 1985, the Memorial Museum of German Anti-Fascists has been located in the building of the Central Anti-Fascist School.
In early 1945, a section of the Riga-bound railway was electrifiedMoscow-Rizhskaya — Nakhabino, an electric depot has been built in Nakhabino. March 5, 1945 via the stationPavshino passed the first electric train[24].
Podmoskovye Palace of Culture
Post-war years
After the war, Krasnogorsk actively developed. Due to the fact that the housing problem was acute, housing construction gradually intensified, new microdistricts appeared: a Cobblestone village (partially built by Nazi prisoners), the District Center, Gubailovo, Chernevo. Schools and kindergartens were built. In the second half of the 1940s, prisoners of war built the building of the archive storage of the GUPVI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (in 1953, the State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents moved there from Moscow).[29].
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of August 18, 1960, Krasnogorsk, as well as a number of other territories of the forest park protection belt adjacent to the capital, were transferred to the administrative and economic subordination of the Moscow City Council of Deputies, the Krasnogorsk District was formed on the territory of Moscow (while Krasnogorsk was not included in the city of Moscow)[30]. However, the residents of the city were not" Muscovites " for long: already in 1961, the city was transferred back to the Moscow region[31][32].
In 1962, the city's borders were significantly expanded: Krasnogorsk included the lands of the villages of Pavshino and Chernevo, the TIGI combine, as well as the settlement of a fruit and vegetable combine, after which the territory of the city was 1112 hectares[33]. Industrial production grew rapidly, especially at the city — forming enterprise-Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant [21]. In 1964, a new railway platform appeared on the Riga section of the railway — Krasnogorskaya Street[24].
After the collapse of the USSR
2004 On October 28 Krasnogorsk was incorporated as a dacha villageOpalikha, as well as the village of Novo-Nikolskoye, the village of a Weaving factory, the village of Anikeyevka, Gorenosovo andAnino.
In the course of municipal reform, the law of the Moscow Region No. 70/2005-OZ of 28.02.2005 established an independent municipality on the territory of the city — the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk, which includes villages in addition to the cityGolevo andIvanovskoye, as well as adjacent territories, the total area of the settlement was 6635 hectares[34]. Not included in the city limits, but attached to the settlement of eastern territoriesMyakininskaya floodplain forMoskva River, where you are locatedMoscow Region Government House, Moscow Regional Court Building, shopping centerCrocus City, as well as the metro stationMyakinino.
Due to the relocation of regional government agencies from Moscow, in the early 2000s, the media regularly reported that Krasnogorsk was supposedly becoming the capital of the Moscow Region[35], but as of November 2009, the status of the regional center was still reserved for Moscow.
On September 16, 2006, an explosion occurred at Krasnogorsk sewage pumping station No. 1, located on Tsentralnaya Street in the Pavshino microdistrict, killing 3 and injuring 15 people. For the period of restoration work, which lasted 2 weeks, some areas of Krasnogorsk itself and a number of settlements of Krasnogorsk andIstra districts (with a total population of more than 250 thousand people). people) were left without water and sewage. Classes in the city's educational institutions were suspended, kindergartens were suspended, and many businesses were shut down. The main version of the explosion is the discharge of several cubic meters of acetone or other explosive compound by one of the city's enterprises. [36] [37]
Rally against urban planning and environmental policies of Krasnogorsk municipal authorities on April 21, 2013
External Images
Draft master plan of the city of Krasnogorsk
In 1996, the general plan for the development of the city until 2010 was adopted; in 2006, it was considered completed[12]. In 2006, the new Krasnogorsk master Plan developed by the State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI of the Moscow General Plan was presented to the public. According to the new general plan, further development of the city is planned along the existing planning axes-the Volokolamsk and Ilyinsky highways. The project provided for massive high-rise high-density development of the city's territory with residential buildings, due to which the population of Krasnogorsk should grow to 176 thousand people by 2020. It was also planned to increase the city's territory by almost half, to 5390 hectares, including by adding nearby woodlands. A number of measures, according to the new general plan, were to be implemented to solve the transport problem: the construction of new roads and interchanges[12] [38]. However, this general plan of the city was not adopted, and in the late 2000s, the development of a general plan for the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk was started, which should be submitted for public discussion in 2011 [39]. Late 2016-early 2017Krasnogorsky district was transformed into a city district[40]. The general plan of 2006 is gradually being overfulfilled: dozens of microdistricts and a residential complex are being built in and around the cityPavshinskaya Floodplain, Tetris quarter, Spassky Bridge residential Complex, Art residential Complex, Krost residential Complex and others.
Government agencies
Local self-government in Krasnogorsk is carried out on the basis of the charter of the city district. Until 2017 — on the basis of the charter of the urban settlement and was submitted by the Council of deputies of the urban settlement, the head of the urban settlement and the administration of the urban settlement[41].
The representative body of local self-government, the council of deputies of an urban settlement, was elected by residents of the settlement in municipal elections in single-mandate districts for a period of 5 years[41]. This body, consisting of 25 deputies, was headed by the Chairman of the Council of Deputies[42]. The head of an urban settlement, who headed the administration of an urban settlement, was also elected by the residents of the settlement for a term of 5 years[41]. In the October 2009 elections, Viktor Kruglikov was re-elected to this position. Kruglikov resigned on March 20, 2014. On May 18 of the same year, Pavel Starikov, a former chairman of the Krasnogorsk District Council of Deputies, became the head of Krasnogorsk.
On January 9, 2017, the Law of the Moscow Region No. 186/2016-OZ of December 28, 2016 "On the organization of local self-government in the territory of the Krasnogorsk Municipal District" came into force, according to which the powers of local self-government bodies and local self-government officials of the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk were terminated.
From the date of entry into force of this Law, local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government of the Krasnogorsk Municipal District shall begin to exercise their powers to resolve issues of local significance of the city district established by Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".
The acting head of the Krasnogorsk City District of the Moscow Region is Alexey Petrovich Spassky[44]. Prior to him, the duties were performed by Khaimurzina Elmira Abdulbarievna (since December 14, 2018).
In the XX — beginning of the XXI century, Krasnogorsk was one of the fastest growing citiesMoscow region. At the end of the 20th century, there was a slight decline in the population, but since the beginning of the 2000s, there has been a significant increase in the number of inhabitants again. The main reasons for this growth are large-scale housing construction and the associated influx of residents from other regions of the federation (including Moscow), as well as the annexation of a number of localities to the city in 2004. In the new microdistrict "Pavshinskaya floodplain", built on the site of former agricultural land, has about 50 thousand inhabitants[69]. In 2008, construction of a new residential complex began "Spassky Bridge", in 2010 — the "Emerald Hills" microdistrict with a housing area of about 800 thousand m3[70].
Most of the residents of new microdistricts are currently not reflected in official statistics for various reasons and will be counted only from the moment of the next population census in 2020. After the merger into the Krasnogorsk city district, the construction and housing and communal divisions of the district administration gave an expert assessment of the number of square meters of inhabited living space, from which it follows that 317 thousand people live permanently in the Krasnogorsk city district[71].
Knauf company's enterprise for the production of gypsum products and building mixes in Krasnogorsk.
In total, in 2010, large and medium-sized enterprises of the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk shipped goods of their own production, performed works and services in the amount of 41.7 billion rubles. (16 % more than a year earlier). The main contribution to industrial output was made by manufacturing industries — 53.4 % of the total volume of goods shipped, works performed and services performed, or 22.3 billion rubles (an increase of 22.7 % compared to 2009). The average monthly salary at large and medium-sized enterprises of the settlement in 2010 was 30,289 rubles (an increase of 10.4 % compared to the previous year).[72].
Revenues to the urban settlement budget totaled 893.8 million rubles in 2010. (by 15.3 % more than in 2009), including tax revenues of 561.3 million rubles[72]. For 2011, the settlement's budget revenues were approved in the amount of 836.8 million rubles, expenses-in the amount of 920.4 million rubles (the maximum size of the local budget deficit is 83.6 million rubles).[73].
Most of the population of Krasnogorsk is employed in enterprisesMoscow. The main enterprise of the city is JSC "Krasnogorsk Plant named after S. A. Zverev " (JSC KMZ). The company specializes in the production of optical and optoelectronic devices for military and civil purposes, during the existence of the USSR it was widely known for its photographic equipment produced under the brand name "Zenith"). The plant is a city-forming enterprise, and a significant part of the city's infrastructure was built by this enterprise.
The construction materials industry in the city is represented by the production of gypsum products and building mixes (the plant of the German company Knauf), asphalt concrete mixes, including colored asphalt (the KABZ plant). The company also produces packaging equipment (Bestrom plant); motorspecial equipment, dump trucks, and process equipment for the cement, chemical, and metallurgical industries (Betsema plant). There is a Confael confectionery factory, a bakery, a confectionery enterprise JSC Khlebprom, and a plant of medicinal herbs "Krasnogorskleksredstva" (in Opalikha). The printing industry is developing (there is a publishing and printing complex "Extra-M", a newspaper and magazine complex "First Printing Plant", printing house). There is a sorting complex of the postal and logistics company DPD[72][74].
Krasnogorsk is one of the leaders in housing construction in the Moscow region. According to Irina Smirnova, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government, in 2016 Krasnogorsk became the second largest city in the region in terms of housing commissioning after Khimki[75]. At the beginning of 2017, 13 residential complexes are under construction[76].
Retail trade is an important sector of the city's economy. In Krasnogorsk there are such large retail chains as "Perekrestok", "Dixie", "Pyaterochka", "Kopeyka", "Euroset", "Svyaznoy" and others. On the territory of Krasnogorsky district, adjacent to the MKAD, there are numerous hypermarkets, as well as a trade and exhibition complex "Crocus City".
Small businesses are playing an increasingly important role in the city's economy. A serious factor hindering business activity in Krasnogorsk is the lack of office and industrial premises.
The main highway of the city isVolokolamsk Highway connecting Moscow withDedovsky district, Istroi andVolokolamsk and crossing Krasnogorsk. The M9 Baltia federal highway passes through the southern edge of the city (Novorizhskoe highway). Volokolamsk and Novorizhskoe highways are connected by passing through KrasnogorskIlyinsky highway (A109). There is also a road connecting Krasnogorsk and the Moscow regionMitino. As a result of massive housing construction in the city and district, the intensity of automobile traffic has increased dramatically in recent years, which is why traffic jams occur not only during rush hours.
The development of transport infrastructure lags behind the pace of urban development. Thus, the design of a traffic -free interchange at the intersection of Ilinsky and Volokolamsk highways began in 2007 [77], although real construction began only in 2016[78]. Additional road links to the Moskovsky districtMitino was opened in the summer of 2018. In the 2000s, there was a project to connect the Volokolamsk and Ilyinsky highways through Zhukovsky and Korolev Streets with the construction of an overpass across the railway, which was not implemented[80].
With Moscow (and also withNakhabino, Nikolo-Uryupino, Petrovo-Dalny and other localities) the city is connected by a network of fixed-route taxis and bus routes. There are also a number of intercity bus routes. Regular route transportation is carried out by the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans, GUP MO "Mostransavto" (Istra ATP, Odintsovo PATP, truck convoy No. 1786 in Khimki),"Autoline Group and other companies.
A train station is located on the territory of the cityPavshino, platformsKrasnogorskaya andOpalikha Riga direction Moscow Railway. Passenger transportation is provided by regular electric trains. There is a direct non-stop service toKursk direction. On November 21, 2019, the D2 line started operatingMoscow central diameters. Three days after the launch of traffic on diameter, a new platform was opened on the border with Moscow[K 1] Penyagino[81]. As part of the project for further development of the WDC, there are plans to build a branch line in the Pavshino area in the direction of Rublevo-Arkhangelsk with two stations[82].
In December 2009 inMyakininskaya floodplain opened its first stationThe Moscow Metro, built outside the administrative borders of Moscow — Myakinino Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line.
On December 30, 2018, working traffic was launched on the first start-up complex of the interchange at the intersection of Volokolamsk and Ilyinsky highways. The event was attended by the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov [83]. On December 5, 2019, the last (third) start-up complex of the interchange was launched — a U-turn overpass on the Volokolamsk Highway (towards the region)[84], but the works on improvement of the territory adjacent to the interchange have not yet been fully completed.
Dec 27, 2019 it became known that in the adopted master plan of the city district Krasnogorsk there is a possibility of continuation of housing in the district that will lead to the doubling of the square residential development and increase of population living on its territory up to 500 thousand people[85], which may cause worsening of existing traffic problems of Krasnogorsk and the emergence of a new view of the limited bandwidth of the existing road network and capacity of public transport.
Education and culture
General education in the city is represented by 18 public general education institutions and four private schools[86], pre — school education is represented by 34 public and two private pre-school educational institutions[87] .
Secondary special education is provided byKrasnogorsk College (until 2007 — optoelectronic College), polytechnic and economic and legal technical schools,medical school [88], also operates vocational schools. Higher education in the city can be obtained at a number of faculties and branches of higher educational institutions in Moscow (the most famous of them are the Faculty of Optical and Electronic Instrumentation of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and the Moscow Regional Branch of the RANEPA).
In addition, the city has music and art schools, a center for the development of creativity of children and youth, and a basketball school[89]. Also, independently of the music school, there is the Krasnogorsk String Youth Orchestra (SMOK) under the direction of V. Y. Rapoport[90]. The Palace of Culture "Podmoskovye" and the concert hall "Scarlet Sails" with an organ are functioning (the Krasnogorsk Philharmonic operates on the basis of the hall).[91]. There is also a large concert hall with 6,200 seats "Crocus City Hall " operates in the trade and exhibition complex "Crocus City"[92].
Krasnogorsk has the only museum of German anti-fascists in the country. Near Krasnogorsk, near the village of Arkhangelsk, there is a private museum of vintage cars and equipment[93]. In March 2015, with the installation of a mock-up spacecraft "Voskhod-2" in the Izumrudnye Holmy microdistrict, the formation of the Cosmonauts ' Alley — an open-air museum of cosmonautics, where models of famous Soviet spaceships are located[94].
Memorial Museum of German Anti-Fascists
Recreation center "Podmoskovye" before reconstruction (2013)
Scene in the Green Theater of the manorZnamenskoye-Gubaylovo
Cosmonauts ' Alley (2015)
Health care
The city's medicine is represented by the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A. A. Vishnevsky, 5 by the Central Military Clinical Hospital (branch No. 1Main Military Clinical Hospital named after N. N. Burdenko), district hospital, infectious diseases hospital, polyclinics, and others. There is a women's consultation, a skin and venereal dispensary.
St. Luke's Church and Vishnevsky Hospital
Active Orthodox parishes Krasnogorsk belongs to the Krasnogorsk deaneryMoscow Diocese Of the Russian Orthodox Church. As of March 2011, the district consisted of 18 parishes, three of which are located in the city itself. There is also an organization of Evangelical Baptist Christians in the city.
The city publishes the newspaper "Krasnogorskie Vesti", as well as a number of other publications, and the Krasnogorsk television works. Located in KrasnogorskRussian State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents.
Ferris wheel in the city park
In Detsky Gorodok
Krasnogorsk is located in the forest park belt of Moscow. Centrally located manor Landscape ParkZnamenskoye-Gubailovo with ponds (XVIII-XIX centuries) and squares, as well as a" Children's town " in a pine forest form the image of the central part of Krasnogorsk. In the neighborhoodOpalikha-the estate of Prince Yusupov of the XVIII century (only the regular French park and ponds located on the territory of the holiday home have been preserved from the estate). On the territory of Krasnogorsk there are a number of Orthodox churches: Znamenskaya Church (XVII century, in the city center), St. Nicholas Church (1821, Pavshino), Bogolyubskaya Church (1873, Pavshino), Assumption Church (1897, Chernevo, rebuilt in the late XX century)[97].
Krasnogorsk's civil development dates back to the 1930s and 2000s, and a number of buildings from the late 19th century have also been preserved. Active housing construction is underway in the city, including high-rise buildings (over 20 floors). Krasnogorsk is also home to the tallest building in the Moscow region — the Art residential Complex — 5 buildings, 132.5 m high (44 floors)[98][99].
Near the city, near the village of Arkhangelsk, is the homestead museum of the same name (XVIII-XIX centuries), one of the most famous architectural ensembles of the Moscow region, "Versailles near Moscow". Also in the vicinity of Krasnogorsk there are a number of manors that are in varying degrees of preservation — in particular, Nikolskoye-Uryupino (XVIII-XIX centuries),Petrovo-Dalnoye (villagePetrovo-Dalnoye, XVIII-XIX centuries),Ilinskoe (village of Ilinskoe, XVIII-XIX centuries)[.
Krasnogorsk is a city with a rich sporting tradition. The bandy team Zorky plays in the Super League. The Zorky Stadium is located in the center of Krasnogorsk (since 2002, after reconstruction, the field allows maintaining artificial ice to an ambient temperature of +15 °C)[100]. The women's club of the same name is a two-time champion of Russia. The city has hosted the Bandy World Championships twice (1973 and 1989).
In the past, the stadium hosted prestigious international competitions in track motorcycle racing-speedway on ice (in particular, in February 2009, one of the stages of the individual World Championship in this discipline was held here)[101].
In summer, the stadium hosts matches with the participation of the football team "Zorky", playing in the zone" Center " of the PFL. Zorkiy ZHFK, which existed in 2006-2015, won the Russian Women's Football Championship in 2013.
In the summer of 2019, the ice arena and the Ice Hockey Academy named after the President of the Russian Federation opened directly next to the stadium.Vladimir Petrov[102][103][104].
Krasnogorsk Ski Stadium
On the northern edge of the city there are extensive ski trails. The state-of-the-art ski stadium, built in 2005, hosted the World Cup in cross-country Skiing among veterans, and annually hosts popular ski competitions ("Krasnogorskaya ski track", traditional "Krasnogorsk Marathon" Ivan Utrobin and others)[105]. In summer, the ski slopes are popular with mountain bike enthusiasts, who also hold their races here. [106] [107]
In the neighborhood "Pavshinskaya Poyma " is the first indoor ski resort in Russia and the largest in Europe "Snowball"[108]. Also in the city there is a volleyball team "Zorky" [109], there is a motocross track, bowling alley, horse riding school, martial arts schoolJeff Monson[110], indoor swimming pool[111], tennis courts at Zorky Stadium and Zenit Sports Complex. A number of other sports are also being developed.
Near Krasnogorsk (near the villageNakhabino) - golf club "Le Meridien Moscow Country Club" with an 18-hole course [112], where the base camp of the Belgian national team was located during the 2018 FIFA World Cup[113].
On October 10, 2013, the city hosted the Olympic Torch relay.
Krasnogorsk in art
In Krasnogorsk lived members of the Mitin gang, which became the prototype of the Black Cat gang, known for the novel by the Weiner brothers "Era of Mercy" and the film "Black Cat".The meeting place cannot be changed"[115]. They worked at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (now — Krasnogorsk plant named after S. A. Zverev), and after hours they were engaged in robberies of savings banks. The catchphrase "And now-Humpback!" was uttered near a private house in Gubaylovo[116].
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Town in moscowMoscow oblastOblast, russiaRussia
Town in moscow oblast, russia