Krosscoin is a layer 1 blockchain protocol with KSS as its network currency.
Krosscoin is a layer 1 Blockchainblockchain Protocolprotocol with KSS as its network currency.
Kross is a public, distributed blockchain network. Krosscoin ($KSS) coin is its underlying utility asset. The platform's vision is to provide blockchain solutions, and offers a wallet for accessibility and token issuance, a decentralized exchange, as well asand a smart contract platform enabling blockchain-based, programmable smart contracts.
Krosscoin facilitates apps/dapps building. The apps are monetized with KSS tokens with a “PAY-AS-YOU-USE” framework. In 2017, Krosscoin launched the alpha version of Pipdroid Petal and Pipdroid Pearl, a user-generated mobile Algo trading platform. This enabled forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, and crypto traders to launch trading bots to their Meratrader 4 and Metatrader 5 broker accounts from their phones.
Krosscoin's products include Hashgreed, an NFT Marketplace for creative, commerce and asset tokenization. HashPay, a private Naira stable coin app for payments and NFTs. Hashgreed Domain, a multilevel platform for fractional asset ownership. Kross Decentralized Exchange, an exchange accessible from the wallet, enabling tokens created on Kross Network or accessible via Gateways to be traded in a decentralized manner.
Krosscoin's products include those below:
Kross is ana Openpublic, Public,distributed Trusted,blockchain Secure, Immutable & Distributed Blockchain Networknetwork. Krosscoin ($KSS) coin is theits underlying utility asset of the Kross Chain. The platform's vision is to provide trusted, innovative & best-of-breed blockchain solutions through, serviceand excellence.offers Securea Walletwallet for accessibility & easyand token issuance., Decentralizeda Exchange:decentralized Krossexchange, Networkas DEXwell &as Gateways.a Smartsmart Contractcontract platform allowing trustlessenabling blockchain-based, programmable smart contracts.
Krosscoin buildsfacilitates apps/dapps building. AllThe apps are monetized with KSS tokens usingwith a “PAY-AS-YOU-USE” framework. In 2017, Krosscoin releasedlaunched the alpha free version of Pipdroid Petal and Pipdroid Pearl, a user-generated mobile Algo trading platform,. thatThis allowsenabled forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals and crypto traders to launch trading bots to their Meratrader 4 and Metatrader 5 broker accounts from their mobile phonephones.
ProductsKrosscoin's products include Hashgreed, Africa’s Firstan NFT Marketplace for creative, commerce and asset tokenization. HashPay, Nigeria’s Firsta Privateprivate Naira stable coin app for payments and NFTs. Hashgreed Domain, The World’s Firsta Multilevelmultilevel Platformplatform for Fractionalfractional Assetasset Ownershipownership. Kross Decentralized Exchange or aka Kross DEX is , an exchange accessible from the wallet, allowing everyenabling tokentokens created on Kross Network or accessible via Gateways to tradebe traded in a decentralized manner.
Kross is an Open, Public, Trusted, Secure, Immutable & Distributed Blockchain Network. Krosscoin ($KSS) coin is the underlying utility asset of the Kross Chain. vision is to provide trusted, innovative & best-of-breed blockchain solutions through service excellence. Secure Wallet for accessibility & easy token issuance. Decentralized Exchange: Kross Network DEX & Gateways. Smart Contract platform allowing trustless blockchain-based, programmable smart contracts.
Products Hashgreed Africa’s First NFT Marketplace for creative, commerce and asset tokenization. HashPay, Nigeria’s First Private Naira stable coin app for payments and NFTs. Hashgreed Domain, The World’s First Multilevel Platform for Fractional Asset Ownership. Kross Decentralized Exchange or aka Kross DEX is an exchange accessible from the wallet, allowing every token created on Kross Network or accessible via Gateways to trade in a decentralized manner.
Krosscoin is a layer 1 Blockchain Protocol with KSS as its network currency.
Krosscoin builds apps/dapps. All apps are monetized with KSS tokens using a “PAY-AS-YOU-USE” framework. In 2017 Krosscoin released the alpha free version of Pipdroid Petal and Pipdroid Pearl, a user-generated mobile Algo trading platform, that allows forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals and crypto traders launch trading bots to their Meratrader 4 and Metatrader 5 broker accounts from their mobile phone.