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For the first time, the Kuban State University was opened in Krasnodar on September 5 (19), 1920. Its first elected rector was Nikandr Aleksandrovich Marx, a former general of the tsarist army, a prominent historian and specialist in ancient Russian paleography.
At the same time in September 1920, the Institute of Public Education was established. Due to the financial crisis in Soviet Russia, many universities were abolished, including the Kuban State University. Therefore, its students and teachers were forced to move to the only preserved Institute of Public Education, which was then renamed the Kuban Higher Pedagogical Institute.
On September 19, 1924, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the Kuban Higher Pedagogical Institute was approved among other pedagogical institutions in the country that were on budget funding. It has six educational departments. In 1931, it was temporarily renamed the Kuban Agronomic Pedagogical Institute, in 1933 - the Krasnodar State Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute. 15th anniversary of the Komsomol. In the late 40s, the university already bore the official name of the Krasnodar State Pedagogical Institute. 15th anniversary of the Komsomol. On February 18, 1970, the Krasnodar State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Kuban State University.
Kuban State University today is a large educational and scientific complex recognized in the country and the world. In 2002, the Kuban State University was awarded the Russian-Swiss Business Club with a gold medal for impeccable business reputation, and in 2004 and 2005 it entered the top 100 universities in Russia and was awarded the European Quality gold medal.
In 2009, according to the rating of the independent rating agency "ReitOR", Kuban State University was among the best universities in the world. KubSU took 314th place in the world, becoming 10th among Russian universities and ahead of all educational institutions of the Southern Federal District.
In 2018, the British company QS summed up the results of the international ranking of universities "Developing Europe and Central Asia 2017/18". Russia was represented by 97 Russian universities, and the Kuban State University, the only university in the region, was among the best.
- Babeshko, Vladimir Andreevich - 1982-2008
- Astapov, Mikhail Borisovich - since 2008
The mission of the Kuban State University is to promote the innovative development of the Kuban and the South of Russia by multiplying the best traditions of university education, integrating and internationalizing fundamental research and applied developments, educating highly educated progressive-minded youth based on traditional values, aimed at serving Russia and shaping its leadership future.

- Department of Biology
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Journalism
- Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations
- Faculty of Computer Technologies and Applied Mathematics
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Science
- Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology
- Faculty of Management and Psychology
- Physics and Technology Faculty
- Faculty of Philology
- Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies
- Artistic and graphic faculty
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law
- Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service
- Institute of Secondary Vocational Education
- Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training
- Institute of Test Technologies and Further Education