LEO cryptocurrency is a utility-token (or service, exchange) and at the same time a redemption token that is useful to users across the entire iFinex portfolio, including Bitfinex, Ethfinex, EOSfinexnded.
LEO Token is an internal coin of the oldest cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. The coin was issued to help deal with a crisis that arose after the exchange’s payments processing company, Crypto Capital, noticed that some of its funds were confiscated by the state. To cover the financial gap, the LEO cryptocurrency was launched, for the sale of which, as part of the IEO, 1 billion dollars were collected.
LEO Token is an internal coin of the oldest cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. The coin was issued to help deal with a crisis that arose after the exchange’s payments processing company, Crypto Capital, noticed that some of its funds were confiscated by the state. To cover the financial gap, the LEO cryptocurrency was launched, for the sale of which, as part of the IEO, 1 billion dollars were collected.
LEO Token is an internal coin of the oldest cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. The coin was issued to help deal with a crisis that arose after the exchange’s payments processing company, Crypto Capital, noticed that some of its funds were confiscated by the state. To cover the financial gap, the LEO cryptocurrency was launched, for the sale of which, as part of the IEO, 1 billion dollars were collected.