LF Networking is a subsidiary organization of the Linux Foundation focused on fostering collaboration and innovation across the open networking stack.
LF Networking is a subsidiary organization of the Linux Foundation, and brings together top networking projects to increase harmonization across platform and ecosystems. This includes addressing industry challenges through collaboration between end users, vendors, and developers to accelerate open sourceopen-source deployments. LF Networking works to develop software and projects to provide platforms and building blocks for network infrastructure and services across service providers, cloud providers, enterprises, vendors, and system integrators for interoperability, deployment, and adoption.
The membership of LF Networking is composed of Platinum Members, Gold Members, Silver Members, and Associate Members. All members are required to be in good standing to participate in activities, and receive associated privileges.
The foundation offershas a maximum of 26twenty-six Platinum members, the number of which can be raised by a vote of the governing board. In addition to the general rights, Platinum members are also entitled to appoint a voting representative to the governing board and any committee, to enjoy prominent placement in displays of membership logos, and receive other benefits as the Linux Foundation and governing board deem appropriate.
Gold members are entitled to elect one representative annually to the governing board for every three Gold members, up to a maximum of three representatives, and. asAs long as there are Gold members there will be at least one Gold member representative.
Silver members are offeredgiven similar rights and privileges as the Platinum and Gold members, and are entitled to appoint one non-voting representative to the marketing advisory council, and are entitledallowed to elect one representative annualannually to the governing board.
LF Networking is working on an umbrella of networking projects under a common governance to simplify engagement for members, enhance operational excellence, and identify opportunities for greater collaboration and related open sourceopen-source networking projects and standards groups.
The Anuket project works towards delivering a common model, standardized reference infrastructure specification, and conformance and performance frameworks for virtualized and cloud native network functions. This includes for enabling faster and more robust onboarding into production and the reduction of cost for communicationscommunication's digital transformation.
The Fast Data (FD.io) project is an open sourceopen-source terabit software data plane whichthat works to offerprovide a secure networking data plane. This includes offering a lower barrier to entry with industry-standard, cross-platform network stack supported by multiple hardware vendors; it increases velocity through encouraging industry innovation; it works to be platform optimized; and is built for broad adoption.
FD.io uses vector packet processing (VPP) and is a software packet processing technology whichthat offers up to two orders of magnitude greater speed than traditional packet transport technologies. VPP's host stack comprises packet, transport, session, and application layer protocols enabling entire networking and security functions to be injected into software packet processing.
The Open Distributed Infrastructure Management (ODIM) project is an open sourceopen-source initiative and collaborative project to bring together a critical mass of infrastructure management and orchestration stakeholders to define and executive collaborative work in various areas. This project began as a Linux Foundation technical project, focused on creating critical open sourceopen-source building blocks in areas such as composition, aggregation, and telemetry, to define models and APIs, and to influence extensions to the DMTF Redfish specifications that ODIM can build on.
This community is also expected to coordinate with other key SDOs and open sourceopen-source communities to automate, simplify, and build consistent and interoperable COTS and OSS infrastructure management solutions to accelerate infrastructure deployments across segments.
The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is a platform for the orchestration, management, and automation of network and edge computing services for network operators, cloud providers, and enterprises. Real-time, policy-driven orchestration and automation of physical and virtual network functions that can enable automation of new services and lifecycle management for 5G and next-generation networks.
The ONAP platform is developed to enable product-independent capabilities for design, creation, and lifecycle management of network services. With ONAP, network operators are intended to synchronously orchestrate physical and virtual network functions. As a cloud-native application, ONAP requires sophisticated initial deployment and post-deployment management. theThe ONAP Operations managerManager (OOM) orchestrates the end-to-end lifecycle management and monitoring of ONAP components. It is integrated with the Microservices Bus, which provides service registration and discovery, and support for internal and external APIs and key SDKs.
The November 2021 release of ONAP, known as the Istanbul release, included new release details including:
Two global operators have announced they are using the ONAP in their production networks, including:
PNDA.io is a project to develop a scalable, open sourceopen-source big data analytics platform for networks and services. The platform is intended to offer an open architecture for data aggregation, distribution, and processing;. It is built to be extensible to add new analysis functions with minimum development cost; built to, offerprovide a chance to develop rapid innovation in big data; to , build a platform that is horizontally scalable platform for analytics and data processing applications;, and to decouple data aggregation from data analysis.
The Streaming Network Analytics System (SNAS) is a project to develop a framework to collect, track, and access tens of millions of routing objects (routers, peers, prefixes) in real time. This is takeAll BGP packets are pre-parsed by the SNAS collector and intended to be accessed through a centralized APIs. The distributed, low foot printfootprint collector leveragingleverages a high performing message bus that makes it possible to perform real timereal-time predictive analytics.
Tungsten Fabric is a project to develop a multi-cloud, multi-stack SDN with an open-source, cloud-grade networking and security. This is intended to help users solve tooling complexity and overload with one networking and security tool. The tool is intended tofor:
XGVela is an open sourceopen-source, cloud native platform-as-a-service with telecommunication features that isare intended to be used to accelerate the design, development, and innovation of telecommunication relatedtelecommunication-related services. This is intended to enable new services and help mobile operators develop business opportunities from vertical industries in 5G. XGVela is expected to provide a reference design of telco-PaaS and accelerate cloud native transformation for telecommunication industry. The scope of the project includes collaborative development, including the documentation, testing, integration, and the creation of other artifacts that can aid the development, deployment, operation, or adoption of the open sourceopensource project.
October 11, 2021
February 25, 2021
February 21, 2020
LF Networking is a subsidiary organization of the Linux Foundation focused on fostering collaboration and innovation across the open networking stack.
LF Networking is a subsidiary organization of the Linux Foundation, and brings together top networking projects to increase harmonization across platform and ecosystems. This includes addressing industry challenges through collaboration between end users, vendors, and developers to accelerate open source deployments. LF Networking works to develop software and projects to provide platforms and building blocks for network infrastructure and services across service providers, cloud providers, enterprises, vendors, and system integrators for interoperability, deployment, and adoption.
The membership of LF Networking is composed of Platinum Members, Gold Members, Silver Members, and Associate Members. All members are required to be in good standing to participate in activities, and receive associated privileges.
The foundation offers a maximum of 26 Platinum members, the number of which can be raised by a vote of the governing board. In addition to the general rights, Platinum members are also entitled to appoint a voting representative to the governing board and any committee, to enjoy prominent placement in displays of membership logos, and receive other benefits as the Linux Foundation and governing board deem appropriate.
Gold members are entitled to elect one representative annually to the governing board for every three Gold members, up to a maximum of three representatives, and as long as there are Gold members there will be at least one Gold member representative.
Silver members are offered similar rights and privileges as the Platinum and Gold members, and are entitled to appoint one non-voting representative to the marketing advisory council, and are entitled to elect one representative annual to the governing board.
The Associate member category of membership is limited to Associate members of the Linux Foundation and acceptance as an Associate member requires approval by the governing board. Associate membership does not confer any benefits or rights to the Associate member.
LF Networking is working on an umbrella of networking projects under a common governance to simplify engagement for members, enhance operational excellence, and identify opportunities for greater collaboration and related open source networking projects and standards groups.
The Anuket project works towards delivering a common model, standardized reference infrastructure specification, and conformance and performance frameworks for virtualized and cloud native network functions. This includes for enabling faster and more robust onboarding into production and the reduction of cost for communications digital transformation.
The Edge Multi-Cluster Orchestrator (EMCO) is a project to create a universal control plane that helps organizations securely connect and deploy workloads across public clouds, private clouds, and edge locations. The software framework is architected to be flexible, modular, and scalable, and is aimed at various industries, including telecommunication service providers.
The Fast Data (FD.io) project is an open source terabit software data plane which works to offer a secure networking data plane. This includes offering a lower barrier to entry with industry-standard, cross-platform network stack supported by multiple hardware vendors; it increases velocity through encouraging industry innovation; it works to be platform optimized; and is built for broad adoption.
FD.io uses vector packet processing (VPP) and is a software packet processing technology which offers up to two orders of magnitude greater speed than traditional packet transport technologies. VPP's host stack comprises packet, transport, session, and application layer protocols enabling entire networking and security functions to be injected into software packet processing.
The Open Distributed Infrastructure Management (ODIM) project is an open source initiative and collaborative project to bring together a critical mass of infrastructure management and orchestration stakeholders to define and executive collaborative work in various areas. This project began as a Linux Foundation technical project, focused on creating critical open source building blocks in areas such as composition, aggregation, and telemetry, to define models and APIs, and to influence extensions to the DMTF Redfish specifications that ODIM can build on.
This community is also expected to coordinate with other key SDOs and open source communities to automate, simplify, and build consistent and interoperable COTS and OSS infrastructure management solutions to accelerate infrastructure deployments across segments.
The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is a platform for orchestration, management, and automation of network and edge computing services for network operators, cloud providers, and enterprises. Real-time, policy-driven orchestration and automation of physical and virtual network functions that can enable automation of new services and lifecycle management for 5G and next-generation networks.
The ONAP platform is developed to enable product-independent capabilities for design, creation, and lifecycle management of network services. With ONAP, network operators are intended to synchronously orchestrate physical and virtual network functions. As a cloud-native application, ONAP requires sophisticated initial deployment and post-deployment management. the ONAP Operations manager (OOM) orchestrates the end-to-end lifecycle management and monitoring of ONAP components. It is integrated with the Microservices Bus, which provides service registration and discovery, and support for internal and external APIs and key SDKs.
Further, the platform provides tooling for service designers as well as a model-driven run-time environment, with monitoring and analytics to support closed-loop automation and ongoing service optimization. Both design-time and run-time environments are accessed through the platform, with role-based access for service designers and operations personnel.
The November 2021 release of ONAP, known as the Istanbul release, included new release details including:
The platform works to provide security, with the community of developers continuing to improve the security of the platform by continuing migration from Java 8 and Python 2 to Java 11 and Python 3. These security improvement efforts for the ONAP platform includes resolving approximately 550 security and code quality issues, and removed nearly 700 known vulnerabilities.
Two global operators have announced they are using the ONAP in their production networks, including:
The OpenDaylight (ODL) is a project developing a modular, open platform for the customization and automation of a network of any size of scale. This platform is expected to deliver the benefits of SDN and NFV to carriers, enterprises, research institutions, and other organizations.
PNDA.io is a project to develop a scalable, open source big data analytics platform for networks and services. The platform is intended to offer an open architecture for data aggregation, distribution, and processing; built to be extensible to add new analysis functions with minimum development cost; built to offer a chance to develop rapid innovation in big data; to build a platform that is horizontally scalable platform for analytics and data processing applications; and to decouple data aggregation from data analysis.
The Streaming Network Analytics System (SNAS) is a project to develop a framework to collect, track, and access tens of millions of routing objects (routers, peers, prefixes) in real time. This is take BGP packets are pre-parsed by the SNAS collector and intended to be accessed through a centralized APIs. The distributed, low foot print collector leveraging a high performing message bus that makes it possible to perform real time predictive analytics.
Tungsten Fabric is a project to develop a multi-cloud, multi-stack SDN with an open-source, cloud-grade networking and security. This is intended to help users solve tooling complexity and overload with one networking and security tool. The tool is intended to:
XGVela is an open source cloud native platform-as-a-service with telecommunication features that is intended to be used to accelerate the design, development, and innovation of telecommunication related services. This is intended to enable new services and help mobile operators develop business opportunities from vertical industries in 5G. XGVela is expected to provide a reference design of telco-PaaS and accelerate cloud native transformation for telecommunication industry. The scope of the project includes collaborative development, including the documentation, testing, integration, and the creation of other artifacts that can aid the development, deployment, operation, or adoption of the open source project.
October 11, 2021
February 25, 2021
February 21, 2020
January 23, 2018
LF Networking is a subsidiary organization of the Linux Foundation focused on fostering collaboration and innovation across the open networking stack.