LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small- to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist smallsmall- to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist smallsmall- to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace. LegalTegrity ensures its customers meet European Union (EU) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, making sure they remain legally compliant, which helps them avoid penalties and other trouble. Many of LegalTegrity's customers have no legal department of their own. The company primarily assists employee whistleblowers by allowing anonymous and confidential reports of legal violations. LegalTegrity was founded in 2019 by Dr. Thomas Altenbach, Pia Michel, and Maraja Fistanic. It is located in Frankfurt, Germany.
LegalTegrity enables confidential and anonymous whistleblower reports through a plug and playplug-and-play solution that does not require integration with existing systems. It is accessible through any device connected to the internet and can be used immediately upon booking.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace. LegalTegrity ensures its customers meet European Union (EU) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, making sure they remain legally compliant which helps them avoid penalties and other trouble. Many of LegalTegrity's customers have no legal department of their own. The company primarily assists employee whistleblowers by allowing anonymous and confidential reports of legal violations. LegalTegrity was founded in 2019 by Dr. Thomas Altenbach, Pia Michel, and Maraja Fistanic. It is located in Frankfurt, Germany.
LegalTegrity enables confidential and anonymous whistleblower reports through a plug and play solution that does not require integration with existing systems. It is accessible through any device connected to the internet and can be used immediately upon booking.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace. LegalTegrity ensures its customers meet European Union (EU) requirements, making sure they remain legally compliant which helps them avoid penalties and other trouble. Many of LegalTegrity's customers have no legal department of their own. The company primarily assists employee whistleblowers by allowing anonymous and confidential reports of legal violations. LegalTegrity was founded in 2019 by Dr. Thomas Altenbach, Pia Michel, and Maraja Fistanic. It is located in Frankfurt, Germany.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small- to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace.
LegalTegrity is a group of compliance experts, lawyers, and consultants who assist small- to medium-sized enterprises with various legal issues in the workplace.