ListenField develops and provides an integrated predictive agronomic platform for the farming industry.
Nagoya, Aichi-based and founded by Rassarin Chinnachodteeranun in 2017, ListenField is a developer and provider of an integrated predictive agronomic platform designed to monitor crop status, forecast weather conditions and assess crop yield. The company's FarmAI tool provides solutions based on device integration, machine vision, predictive analytics and more.
Nagoya, Aichi-based and founded by Rassarin ChinnachodteeranunRassarin Chinnachodteeranun in 2017, ListenField is a developer and provider of an integrated predictive agronomic platform designed to monitor crop status, forecast weather conditions and assess crop yield. The company's FarmAI tool provides solutions based on device integration, machine vision, predictive analytics and more.