LyteLoop is a Great Neck, New York-based photonic data storage company using fiber optics to store large quantities of data.
February 9, 2021
LyteLoop is a Great Neck, New York-based photonic data storage company using fiber optics to store large quantities of data.
Through their photonic technology, LyteLoop has developed the use of fiber optic data centers housed on satellites communicating and circulating the data between them in order to store petabytes of data. These satellites can be small satellites or larger satellites and can work on multiple orbital planes and, according to LyteLoop, offer greater levels of security compared to terrestrial data centers.
LyteLoop is a Great Neck, New York-based data storage company using fiber optics to store large quantities of data.
Founded in 2015, LyteLoop uses fiber optic cables to create a digital information storage with lower energy consumption and faster read and write times than traditional platter disk drives and database centers.
Through their technology, LyteLoop has developed the use of fiber optic data centers housed on satellites communicating and circulating the data between them in order to store petabytes of data. These satellites can be small satellites or larger satellites and can work on multiple orbital planes and, according to LyteLoop, offer greater levels of security compared to terrestrial data centers.
Similar to their satellites, LyteLoop is also developing their LyteLoop Tube which allows data to be stored in motion in terrestrial near-vacuum environments. They LyteLoop tube would use angle multiplexing to increase the distance the light travels and could potentially store more data with a smaller footprint compared to traditional data centers while also reducing the cost of operation.
LyteLoop is also developing their LyteLoop Cavity which stores data in motion in a near-vacuum cavity the size of a data rack. The LyteLoop cavity would also use angle multiplexing to increase the distance the light travels and, LyteLoop suggests, would allow their LyteLoop Cavity to store more data than traditional data racks.
LyteLoop is a Great Neck, New York-based photonic data storage company using fiber optics to store large quantities of data.