MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences
MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences
MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences. The company was founded in Kiryat ShmonaKiryat Shmona in 1979.
MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences
MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences. The company was founded in Kiryat Shmona in 1979.
In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19, MIGAL Research Institute has began developing a vaccine against the novel coronavirus. The company aims to develop the vaccine within weeks and begin production to release within ninety days of development. Their concepts for the vaccine are based on a protein expression vector which creates and secretes a soluble protein which, in turn, delivers the viral antigen into tissues. This should allow the body to form antibodies against the virus. This vaccine is based off of work done for anti-IBV antibodies and the poultry coronavirus. MIGAL Research Institute will provide the vaccine as an oral vaccine to make it more accessible for the public.
The institute is searching for production partners for the manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.
MIGAL Research Institute is a company that provides applied research that is specialized in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agricultural sciences