MSCI is a US-American financial service provider.
MSCI is a company based in New York City, United States, that specializes in investment, data visualization, and ESG validation . The company was founded on January 1, 1969, and is currently active . MSCI is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock symbol MSCI .
MSCI is a public company incorporated in Delaware . The company's headquarters are located at 250 Greenwich St, FL 49, New York, NY 10007, United States . MSCI has a number of subsidiaries, including RiskMetrics, Barra, Real Capital Analytics, and MSCI ESG Research .
The company operates in a competitive market, with competitors such as BlackRock, Clarity AI, Pershing, Sustainalytics, and ISS ESG . MSCI has also formed strategic partnerships with organizations like FinTech Sandbox .
Henry A. Fernandez serves as the CEO of MSCI , while Jigar Thakkar holds the position of CTO . The company has a workforce of around 4,000 employees .
MSCI maintains an online presence through various social media platforms and websites. The company has a YouTube channel , a LinkedIn page , a Twitter account , and an Instagram profile . Additionally, MSCI's official website can be found at .
MSCI's motto is "Investing today requires informed decisions that contribute to a better world" . The company operates in the consulting industry, providing services related to investment, data visualization, and ESG validation .
MSCI is a US-American financial service provider.