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MacaronSwap is a Decentralized Exchange AMM , Farm Staking, Cross-Chain Bridge platform on Binance Smart Chain. Multi-chain support is planned for the next release which is shown on the roadmap. MacaronSwap uses an automated market maker AMM model. That means that while ou can trade digital assets on the platform, there isn't an order book where ou're matched with someone else. Instead, ou trade against a liquidit pool. Those pools ore filled with other users' funds. The deposit them into the pool, receiving liquidit~ provider or LP tokens in return. The can use those tokens to reclaim their share, plus a portion of the trading fees.
Farm: On the form, 80U con deposit 80Ur LP tokens,
locking them up in a process that rewords 80U
with MCRN. Which LP tokens con 80U deposit?
The list will be quite long, we will keep adding
some of the most popular ones b8 time.
Staking: MocoronSwop allows 80U to stoke its governance
token. MCRN You'll earn a proportion of MCRN token with
ever8 new BSC block.
Exchange: MocoronSwop is on automated market maker
(AMM) is a t8pe of decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that
relies on a mathematical formula to price assets. Instead of
using on order book like a traditional exchange, assets ore
priced according to a pricing algorithm.
Bridging Assets: Cross-chain bridging service that
aims to increase interoperobilit8 between different
blockchoins. It essentioll8 lets on8one convert selected
coins into wrapped tokens (or ''pegged tokens'') across
chains. i.e. ERC20-BEP20.