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The company was founded in 2018 by Bobby Healy.
The company's aircraft is a custom design and build in Europe and the US, and held to an aerospace grade. It can fly at an altitude of 80 meters and a speed of over 80 km/h.The drones can deliver cargo at a range of 2 km within 3 minutes.
From Manna's seed round $5.2 million was raised.
Partners: Flipdish
Backed by: Atlantic Bridge, Elkstone, FF, Frontline
Manna offers drone delivery as a service for dark kitchens and restaurants. They partner through an API with online food platforms.
Using custom-developed aerospace grade drones, they deliver from restaurants and centralised kitchens to consumer's homes. They fly at an altitude of 80 metres and a speed of over 80kph - delivering within a 2km radius in less than 3 minutes.