SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Significance: Although patient simulators have demonstrated improved learning outcomes in medical training, there is a significant lack of realism. Thus, they do not effectively provoke a realistic emotional response in trainees. This significantly limits their educational value to the emergency medical service (EMS) training agencies, as does – in the case of mannequins – their cost, reliance on electricity, and lack of portability. To address these significant limitations of the current medical patient simulators, the PI has developed PerSimTM, a patient simulator using augmented reality (AR) and currently a product offered by the PIandapos;s company. However, additional research and development in is needed to effectively support HAZMAT training scenarios. To further increase realism and utility for HAZMAT, the PIs have identified the following needs: 1)Define skin injury over specific body locations, which currently are only full body and 2)the movement of exposed casualties , through decontamination and stabilization. Commercial Need: Based on interviews with individuals at training agencies within EMS agencies, HAZMAT training scenarios would be of significant value. Since being released in 4th quarter 2017, there are more than 25 sites that have purchased multiple PerSim® systems for ~$20-30K each and are using the systems for EMS training, each effectively training over 100 trainees per year. Moreover, the PI has a joint marketing agreement with Microsoft, which boosts the company’s marketing efforts. Preliminary Data: The PI has developed PerSim® an AR-based patient simulator. Via the Microsoft HoloLens 2 AR display, the system projects high-resolution, realistic animations of a patient onto any surface a trainee chooses, such as low-fidelity mannequin as a physical reference for haptic input during procedures. The instructor uses a handheld tablet as both a controller for the simulation and an automated assessment system to track trainee performance. The system utilizes another tablet to act as a ventilator, IV Pump, defibrillator and a physiologic monitor to provide real-time vital sign and heart rhythm data. The system’s control interfaces, and registration algorithms are patented. Specific Aims: This project proposes to expand upon HAZMAT content developed in SBIR Phase I in the PIandapos;s innovative AR-based patient simulator, PerSim®. Specific Aim 1: Increase the customizability of HAZMAT burn and skin exposure scenarios for PerSim®; Specific Aim 2: Develop HAZMAT zones for scene control training in PerSim®; Specific Aim 3: Develop evacuation of non-ambulatory virtual patients in PerSim®; Specific Aim 4: Evaluation of Realism and Usability of PerSim® HAZMAT through user studies with HAZMAT experts and novices as participants.The proposed research is relevant to public health because it enables more effective training for HAZMAT professionals, which will result in saving lives. This project is relevant to NIEHS’s mission because it applies augmented reality in a novel approach to enhance realism and usability of HAZMAT simulation and training, better preparing trainees for real scenarios.