Media Network is a privacy-first and community-governed Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Media Network is a privacy-first and community-governed Content Delivery Network (CDN that allows you to scale your infrastructure within seconds).
Media Network is a new protocol that foregoes traditional centralized CDN approaches and opts for a self-governed, open-source solution. We’ve created a distributed bandwidth market that enables service providers to hire resources from the network as the demand for last-mile data delivery fluctuates.
Any existing infrastructure can now be scaled by hiring bandwidth-on-demand without constraining long-term business commitments or compromising privacy. No accounts, KYC, or personal information is required at any point for any of the participants of the network.
A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed series of proxy servers deployed across multiple data centers over the internet. The objective of a CDN is to provide high availability and performance to end-users by using techniques such as web caching, load balancing, and request routing.
A CDN works by caching files (objects) and serving them directly instead of going to the origin server for every request. Because a CDN considers the visitor’s geolocation, the files are served by the closest server to the user to reduce latency.
With Media Network, any DAO or Anon DeFi Team can serve their content using the power of a decentralized protocol, without doxing a team member or with a single point of failure as it happens with Web2 Legacy CDN providers controlled by an entity. Protocols, not companies.
With multiple integrations, Media Network’s dCDN is perfect with any existing storage protocols such as Arweave, IPFS, or BTFS. It’s also already integrated with Handshake for decentralized domain names. Combining the power of decentralized protocols, anyone can start right now and build with the perfect Web3 stack.
January 23, 2022