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The technology uses an AI assistant to help any physician detect diabetic retinopathy in the absence of a specialist with the goal of early detection for preventing blindness. Screening for diabetic retinopathy before symptoms occur, can prevent blindness.
Co-founder Bhargav Sosale is a software engineer and product designer who graduated from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and whose father, mother and sister are diabetes doctors. Co-founder Florian Savoy is an expert in computer vision with research experience at University of Illinois and a degree from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. India is planned to be the company’s first market and the diagnosis will cost $1. Medios is partnered with retinal camera companies including Remidio and Intuvision.
MEDIOS-AI is an AI integrated retinal imaging device that uses the Remidio smartphone. A study of the feasibility of using this smartphone-based retinal camera with in-built offline artificial intelligence algorithm to screen for diabetic retinopathy was published in 2019 JAMA Opthalmology. More than 1300 patients with diabetes mellitus were screened by a team from Aditya Jyot Foundation for Twinling Little Eyes, Mumbae, led by Dr. Natarajan, who is President of the All India Opthalmology Society. Diagnostic accuracy of MEDIOS-AI to detect referable diabetic retinopathy was validated. The AI provides a report in less than 10 seconds. The platform could be extended to other sight-threatening chronic diseases such as glaucoma.